Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 Now although such a rule is not part of my physical or material world , its existence constrains my action just as effectively as they do ; we can call this a constraint of the world of ideas .
2 The hall and the gallery and the enormous stained glass windows which faced the door as you came in , and the three reception rooms were ours , and as I suffer from terrible claustrophobia , I thought it was a wonderful place to live although David , who I am sure does n't suffer from claustrophobia as badly as I do , being British and like most British people , would be content to live in smaller environments .
3 God , do you think I 'd come near you , talk to you about it , touch you , if I did n't know for a certainty that you want me as badly as I do you ? ’
4 " I stopped reading my mail but Sarah ( his wife ) did n't , " Strange said after issuing an apology which said : " I want to express my sincere apologies … no excuse can justify my outburst , and nobody feels as badly as I do . "
5 I feel as badly as you do , but we do n't have time for this .
6 With their bizarre appearance and seemingly mysterious but treacherous way of life , the dodders have certainly latched on to human imagination as successfully as they do to the innumerable species of plants they parasitise , spawning fables , myths and fascinating names such as love vine , immortal vine , vine in the sky , beggar vine , strangleweed , devil 's gut , scald and so on .
7 Perhaps this is why it sleeps twice as long as we do , making up in length of slumber what it lacks in depth .
8 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
9 Snooker frames with Julian last about twice as long as they do with anybody else .
10 He cared as much as I do .
11 ‘ But somebody who cares as much as you do , you 'd want to know . ’
12 If you keep listening to the radio , you 'll probably hear any news as quickly as I do .
13 Most people do n't actually go into things as deeply as we do .
14 That is why so many ‘ start up ’ schemes finish as early as they do .
15 This is probably the most difficult material to handle because the many characters and nationalities involved in the various available libretti must express themselves as distinctively as they do in real life and the choreographer must try and ensure his design has some semblance of reality if it is to communicate meaning .
16 Do n't make the fatal mistake of assuming other people think as logically as you do , or even hear what 's said to them .
17 In everyday speech , we do not pronounce words as clearly as we do when we are asked to say them in isolation .
18 Bill the dog always seems to walk at least twice as far as I do , running ahead for a while and coming back to check that I 'm following before he dives down a hole after rabbits that he never catches .
19 They do n't analyze it as often as we do .
20 So how do interest groups come into existence as often as they do ?
21 I am often asked how , with Biros vanishing as often as they do , is it possible for some writers to get so much down on paper in a single lifetime ?
22 You must think yourselves lucky to be able to go to Thrush Green as often as you do . ’
23 Now , gentlemen , this war has shown that among the leaders of Labour there is a body which is national and patriotic ( Hear , hear and applause , ) and feels these sentiments as strongly as we do .
24 The Law Society believes this as strongly as I do .
25 Believing that people were always like we are , they just did n't understand themselves as well as we do , leads to dangerous historical inaccuracies .
26 He knows as well as we do that there is no guarantee that all the purchases will be made by buy-out teams which , as he said , may reasonably not be expected to reduce the quality of their pension schemes .
27 The BBC believe that no one does sport as well as they do — and they may be right .
28 There 's a lot of competition to get your space , specially with the Latins ; they 're not used to a woman doing the same job as well as they do . ’
29 Our hospitals are so short of cash thanks to the shortsightedness of the Government that it 's a wonder hospitals function as well as they do .
30 They do n't , and wo n't , know that he talks Greek as well as they do .
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