Example sentences of "might well have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He might well have made some bargain with the Plantagenet — after all , this Edward owed something , for it was here , to Dunbar Castle , that his father , Edward the Second , had fled for refuge after the disaster of Bannockburn when Patrick , as a young man , had received him kindly and provided him passage by sea to England .
2 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
3 Mr Smith , who is generally regarded as the clear favourite for the leadership , suggested that the ‘ misrepresentation ’ of Labour 's tax policy might well have caused some people not to support it .
4 If I had confined myself to initiating ‘ creative drama ’ or ‘ improvisation ’ , I might well have remained satisfied with his participation for he was indeed meeting all the requirements of dramatic playing .
5 Through the arch too , I see the dark water of a deep wide moat ; so dark , indeed , is the water that it might well have remained unstirred since the days of the ‘ brave Lord Willoughby' ’ . '
6 The attitudes of the different students interested Paul ; he was popular among them as a tutor , and had there been women among them , might well have become interested in one of these .
7 Retrospectively , therefore , some Minors might well have become later candidates for Major status .
8 We were shocked to discover how important this secretive and ill-attended rite was , and realized that our aquatic curiosity might well have offended these creatures on whose appearance , or otherwise , rested the continuation of the entire festival .
9 So they might well have had convenient discussions with the N R A as late as Friday even though their letter preem the Inspectorate 's letter was written on the eighth of September and Friday of course was the day after this letter had been released to us on our request and was was two days after the Selby committee had met on Wednesday .
10 Indeed in the absence of the Cold War the loan — assuming its final approval by Congress — might well have had further damaging effects upon Anglo-American relations .
11 Howard might well have experienced some kind of contemporary equivalent , and therefore , have been interested in the latest turn of events in Texas .
12 Had he not been so short of time he might well have found 25
13 I might well have got that onto another tape and then every time she says something you just say look what you 're doing !
14 Courts , if they had been called upon to investigate people 's employment protection rights , might well have deemed some of them to have had one continuous employment relationship broken only by shortages of work rather than a series of different relationships .
15 Mr Gorbachev might well have won such a vote , and added to his formal powers the authority he now lacks .
16 An ordinary freedom-fighter or revolutionary — and there were a great many of them operating in the Holy Land at the time — might well have won popular support for his actions , but could not have been acclaimed as the Messiah .
17 Shakespeare , who admired energy , might well have applauded this writing , especially some fine pages ( pp.132–154 ) on his mature verse .
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