Example sentences of "might be made [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The drill might be made of wood or bronze , using sand or emery , imported from Naxos , as an abrasive .
2 Do n't worry about items in a collection being too similar — a collection of ducks , for example , might be made of wood , iron , china , plaster , stuffed fabric , bright , dull , plain or patterned .
3 The educational project within Club 403 aimed to investigate what education could offer a residential view data service and to discover what use might be made of Prestel in schools and colleges .
4 The hub , bearings and rims of otherwise wooden wheels might be made of iron .
5 Among the few notable and recent examples of reforming leadership within prison systems , mention might be made of H.H. Brydensholt in Denmark , Hans Tulkens in The Netherlands , Ken Schoen in Minnesota and , with respect to youth prison systems , Jerome Miller in Massachusetts .
6 Reference might be made to East European countries where the structure of society and the public library 's function in that society is somewhat different to the Western world .
7 Drastic alterations might be made to eligibility criteria , assessments either not carried out or not acted upon , and the sight of all those solicitors that the SSI is so worried about sharpening their quills and dusting off their judicial review procedures .
8 When the situation became intolerable an attempt might be made to undergird or frap the ship by passing cables under the hull as St Paul describes in the Acts of the Apostles .
9 A number of obvious objections might be made to explanations of this kind ( Cameron and Coates 1985 ; Coates 1986 ) .
10 Why are they resisting those arguments , or seeing them as concessions that might be made during negotiations ?
11 An initial distinction might be made between communes with and those without a railway station .
12 These findings suggest that fixed-term contract workers and agency workers are not always direct substitutes for one another ( in other words , that resort to one might be made for reasons very different than resort to the other ) .
13 Proposals might be made for action at European Community level which do not fall within the Community 's exclusive competence and which certain Member States regard as undesirable or unnecessary .
14 it has the merit of illustrating how theoretical progress might be made through sets of carefully related experiments .
15 The British General Strike of 1926 had given both Germany and Poland a new sense of the gains that might be made through co-operation , and while they explored this unexpected windfall , the effects of the Polish currency reform were hidden .
16 A lease might be made from year to year subject to a fetter on the right of the landlord to determine the lease before the war ends .
17 As befits a signatory of a neo-Dada Manifesto Against Style ( 1957 ) , many of Manzoni 's works are unsigned , untitled and undated , and are improvised with a bewildering variety of materials and processes ( ‘ achromes ’ might be made from kaolin , felt , cotton , polystyrene , wool , rabbit fur , bread rolls or stones ) .
18 In response to a letter from an NVALA member , the Queen replied expressing her concern that such an ‘ obnoxious ’ film might be made in Britain .
19 Caerphilly Cheese might be made in Caerphilly , Bristol and Mars .
20 I might conceivably be interested merely in a hypothetical situation , trying to decide , say , what consequences would follow if p were true , without wishing to commit myself one way or the other ( although , as will be shown later on , one can not coherently posit the possibility of p being true except with regard to possible truth claims that might be made in respect of it ) .
21 A start might be made by women teachers coming to recognise how they themselves are subjected to sex-role stereotyping in the educational hierarchy , and by making links between their own position and that of their girl pupils .
22 Maximum use might be made by supplicants and petitioners of the distance between them and Rome .
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