Example sentences of "might have [vb pp] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 you might 've had some timetables like they have on the train
2 ‘ Thought you might have seen some friends of mine , ’ he continued with his mouth full .
3 He might have lost those threads when he climbed over the rail during the search . ’
4 No it 's all of it even the h and the w I think they might have lost some figures off of it at some time .
5 He thought that Craig might have lost some votes because people had not forgiven his voluntary coalition heresy but recognized that , had Craig emulated Paisley and created a reputation as an active constituency MP , he would have retained the seat .
6 Well perhaps a few , well-intentioned people like Jesse Helms [ the senator who criticised the NEA vigorously for allocating public funds to pornographic and blasphemous art ] might have said these things are disgusting .
7 Archives department might have salvaged some records from the theatre .
8 Maurice might have stored some papers there . ’
9 This ‘ gorgeous gargoyle ’ ( thespian O'Toole 's ) description ) might have played more Tests had Underwood not been around , but he has still made a wide impression on the game , made more lasting by this unexpected offering .
10 So it might put , might have put some burglars off , that 's not the same case nowadays cos they 're so common .
11 The three men might have thought those things but not have said them aloud .
12 That might have attracted more women and young readers — but by taking them partly from the Mirror .
13 The Yorkes lived next door to the Shergolds and might have gleaned some scraps of information that he could wheedle out of Harriet .
14 However , it can cause severe problems especially in mining areas where the smelting of copper , lead , arsenic , tin and zinc might have dispersed these elements over the adjacent downwind soils .
15 Mark you , it might have worked both ways .
16 Sixty two only , you know , not that long after the War had ended and to the lament that nobody got killed you know you might have had more chances e of success if they had all got killed .
17 ‘ I have tasted it , ’ he explained to the stonewalling Scot , whose riposte might have upset some shareholders : ‘ And you 've lived to tell the tale ! ’
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