Example sentences of "might [be] of [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how serious an infringement there might be of that act they are not subject to any sort of criminal offence .
2 Hum. , 1908–13 ) for the purpose of giving graduates of the College opportunity to travel at such time in their careers as might be of most value to them either by enabling them to broaden their experience of other countries and their peoples or to carry out research .
3 Yeah that might be of those situations with the referee being over protective towards the goalkeeper .
4 So therefore it might be of more interest to practitioners if I take some typical enquiries and describe the way they are tackled .
5 There was no evidence that Berowne had started his own meal — that in itself might be of some help in deciding on the approximate time of death — but he had apparently either cajoled Harry into the church with the promise of a meal or , more likely , had supplied an obvious and immediate need before he was ready for his own share of the supper .
6 Besides , I might be of some help settling the young gentleman . ’
7 Some interesting and useful things can be done in the way of improving specific item search systems , but only if the catalogue has considerable " knowledge " of bibliographical items ( for example , one can envisage a catalogue which could say , " We have n't got Joseph Matthews on online catalogue screen displays , but there is an article in Library trends which might be of some interest " ) .
8 Now erm some of this films might be of some interest .
9 Her grandfather had suggested , without conviction , that she might be of some use in the farm office .
10 He felt he had his hand on a way to proceed , and one that might be of some consequence , with luck .
11 Variability in ME , however , has sometimes been perceived as an obstacle rather than a resource , and as a result information that might be of some value to the historian has been rejected from the canon .
12 I have just prepared a paper for my Executive Committee on this and I have enclosed a copy in the hope it might be of some value .
13 ‘ You have no further information that might be of any assistance , sir ? ’
14 On a single syllable ‘ why ’ , the pitch movement might be of this sort : but if there are syllables following , the fall may not be completed on the tonic syllable : why did you go
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