Example sentences of "might [be] [vb pp] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The objectives of this and the following two chapters are , first , to explain the meaning of money in a modern economy ; secondly , to show how the supply of money might be influenced by government policy and other factors ; and finally , to discuss the role of money in an economy .
2 He began in the autumn term and just before starting this new career he and Clinton van Sieclen wrote a paper on the theory of cold fusion , which concentrated on the muon catalysed fusion but had some prescient remarks about the possibility that fusion might be influenced by pressure and materials .
3 But this natural partially effective response might be enhanced by immunization , and recently a bacterial CTL epitope identified in mice using a class I motif has been shown to induce a protective response after immunization .
4 Whereas if the weather is bad ( frosts ) the vine might be affected by millerandage , if it is too good it can suffer from coulure .
5 A sense of serious personal loss of self-worth and integrity ( invasion of personal space ) is certainly involved , and might be expressed by illness , depression , absenteeism , being touchy and impatient or withdrawn with clients or colleagues or by some other change in the worker 's usual pattern of behaviour .
6 Responsibility for these plans was divided between the tiers of local government after reorganization so that counties , metropolitan counties and the Scottish regions were responsible for the structure plans , which were understood , at first at least , to be of strategic importance , providing the framework within which local plans might be prepared by district councils .
7 One of the explanations for this unexpected result is that the colon specific antigens detected by ELISA and those detected by this ADCC assay may be different , and those detected by ADCC might be increased by treatment with IFN-γ .
8 In the example given above , for instance , the value of the site for which planning permission for housing development was given might be increased by virtue of the fact that it was refused on the second site .
9 While castles might be obtained by purchase , and exchanged to make for a more judicious distribution geographically , they had also to be manned with troops .
10 There was optimism at the beginning of February that the violence which had been waged in Azerbaijan and along its borders with Armenia with such ferocity in the previous month [ see pp. 37168-70 ] might be ended by peace talks between the leaders of the Azerbaijan Popular Front and Armenian Pan-National Front which began in Riga ( the Latvian capital ) on Feb. 1 .
11 They lowered blood pressure in patients with hypertension , prevented irregularities of the heartbeat which might be caused by adrenaline , reduced mortality after coronary thrombosis , and , perhaps most importantly of all , they revealed the complexity of the factors which control cardiac activity in man , and the difficulties of predicting the effects drugs will have without first carrying out extensive and detailed experiments , both in the laboratory and in the clinic .
12 It is also possible that some of this weathering might be caused by salt crystallisation effects ( see Chapter 3 ) .
13 Because however much we might be reassured by Parliament that Charles 's constitutional position will be unaffected by his separation , most of us believe that the Prince will finally have to give up his right to the throne — just as his Great Uncle did in the Abdication of 1936 .
14 In this case , instead of accepting that comprehensible input is indeed validly conceived as ‘ The ‘ Fundamental Pedagogical Principle ’ ’ and then looking at how it might be achieved by interaction , one might more profitably ask whether these strategies of interaction on the part of the learner do not suggest that the notion of comprehensible input is inadequate for explaining how language is learned , and therefore is not so very fundamental after all .
15 The age of ‘ social Darwinism ’ left no room for a sense of stewardship and encouraged no sympathy for the animal and plant species that might be threatened by humankind 's dominant position .
16 Fifthly , deliberate addition irradiation of the stomach and duodenum with the doses that might be received by scatter lowers the incidence of duodenal lesions .
17 ‘ It may be said that the duty is difficult to define , because when the act of negligence in manufacture occurs there was no specific person towards whom the duty could be said to exist : the thing might never be used : it might be destroyed by accident , or it might be scrapped , or in many ways fail to come into use in the normal way : in other words the duty can not at the time of manufacture be other than potential or contingent , and only can become vested by the fact of actual use by a particular person .
18 But meanwhile democracy would have been taken much further than the Mensheviks envisaged — and there was even the possibility that , if revolution broke out in the West , the ‘ dictatorship ’ might be sustained by aid from socialist regimes abroad .
19 It would be improbable that men totally unqualified for their rank would be placed in a fleet commanded by the patron whose own career might be damaged by inefficiency , but given the situation in the fleet , of far more qualified applicants than available places , the choice was likely to fall upon a friend of a friend .
20 Thus , the rent of a shop might be determined by reference to the Index of Retail Prices , the rent of a warehouse by reference to the Index of Wholesale Prices , and the rent of a builder 's merchant 's yard by reference to an index of construction costs .
21 She felt as if she might be struck by lightning if she stayed where she was .
22 Any one of us might be struck by lightning , but the probability is pretty low in any one minute ( although the Guinness Book of Records has a charming picture of a Virginian man , nicknamed the human lightning conductor , recovering in hospital from his seventh lightning strike , with an expression of apprehensive bewilderment on his face ) .
23 Wiping away the first drop , which might be contaminated by perspiration , she waited until a second drop formed , then pressed her finger on to the chemically treated reagent strip .
24 First of all we SUFFERED that defeat last Saturday next I knacker my ankle playing on Sunday and lastly I arrive in Northampton on Monday morning to find that we could only get tickets for Arsenal end on Tuesday ( So Gavin it was n't me being escorted away by the men in black , even though it the current season does n't improve quickly I might be escorted by mem in white . )
25 Lastly , the United Kingdom observed that the problems of the flag might be resolved by harmonisation of laws and international agreement , or even the adoption of a Community flag , rather than by blunt application of articles 7 , 52 and 221 of the E.E.C .
26 Inman and Kubota observed patients with chest tightness and suggested that asthma might be induced by sumatriptan .
27 Because of this , he was less concerned that he might be considered by society at large as an unskilled ‘ yokel ’ — even if he was aware of the opinion of the world outside .
28 In large nations and groupings of nations , such as Western Europe , advantage in one area might be accompanied by misfortune in another , as , for example , if Northern Europe experienced a more favourable climate while the Mediterranean dried out .
29 He/she might be constrained by loyalty to ministers ; as a result , reputation and career might be at risk .
30 As December approached , there were fears that the historic ‘ December Ninth ’ might be marked by student unrest .
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