Example sentences of "might [vb infin] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He is incredulous when she says that some people might think better of Jason for confessing his fear .
2 ‘ You 're talking fuel , food and liquor , plus any toys you might want aboard like scuba equipment , snorkels , jet-skis or sailboards . ’
3 The more cautious analytical corporate financier might feel more at home in an accountancy firm , but the wheeler-dealer type should opt for a bank .
4 Earlier I made the point that the models of case management may be differentially useful in producing positive out-comes for separate client groups ; so that , for instance a brokerage/advocacy model might work well for people with a physical disability and not well for mentally ill people .
5 The social representation theorist , who wishes to build a social psychology from a universal anthropology , might look universally for examples of the contrary themes of common sense , tracing , for example , the argumentative dialectic between justice and mercy across historical , geographical and economic space .
6 That I think recognizes a possibility , by no means a probability , but a possibility that Paul might move away from home and the more real possibility that in due course that Mr and Mrs might be unable to bear their part further as carers .
7 Some might remark disparagingly on Branson 's lack of clubbishness ; but most respected him , as one rival put it , ‘ as a successful predatory animal in the music business jungle ’ .
8 It might sell well to academics and students , but a book like that could n't break into Jeffrey Archer territory .
9 As ever , we must balance the temptation to introduce such rights willy-nilly against the unreasonable cost burden that might rest increasingly on employers , especially those with only a few employees .
10 Might go straight to court .
11 Wright said the board might go overseas for reprocessing , if necessary .
12 It has now been conveyed to the rest of us , and we should not too quickly dismiss the thought that this message might resonate usefully in Nicaragua , in Iran and the Lebanon , and perhaps even in the two Germanys .
13 Bush faced increasing pressure from within the Republican Party to revitalize his lacklustre campaign , and there were even suggestions that he might stand aside in favour of a more dynamic Republican candidate .
14 Thomas Gray passing Thirlmere in 1769 said ‘ I now began to see Helm Crag — stones in wild confusion ’ ; but he concluded ‘ all is peace , rusticity and happy poverty ’ , a phrase which might come straight from Rousseau .
15 Even the dunce might come away from school with a phrase or two — — and the learned have sometimes gone to extraordinary lengths to get him into and out of their systems .
16 Miguel told me that Rosie is doing well , and might come home on Wednesday . ’
17 It might come better from you-not official .
18 He had come alone deliberately in the hope that he might get farther with Maurice Glynn by keeping the interview in a low key .
19 ‘ I 'm … er … fine , ’ said Robert , desperately trying to work out how he might get close to Maisie , ‘ but I am … er … worried about the boys . ’
20 I merely told David Knell that I might write more in future . ’
21 A , actually John was suggesting that we might talk nicely to John 's dad about the money they 've got invested in the sale of their pro , their ground .
22 Men might travel only by Zuwaya consent , and Zuwaya took fees to guide travellers from water-hole to water-hole on the routes to Kufra and beyond .
23 ( His desire to become gravid was so fierce that no menstruating woman was safe from him — he might strike even by day , if he caught the iron whiff of their menses . )
24 In April 1949 ten European nations joined America and Canada in signing the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington , an alliance which ended any lingering fears that America might slip again into isolationism , as she had so disastrously after 1919 .
25 The response conditioned to A might generalize more to B as a result of the first stage of training ; or this training might reduce the extent to which generalization occurs to C ; or both of these effects could be occurring .
26 We do n't know who L.L. is , but if you could find out , you might learn more about Sir Charles ' death .
27 ‘ But seriously — if you had an accident when I was at school , you might lie there for hours .
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