Example sentences of "might [adv] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , the seller of goods might expressly exclude the statutory implied terms relating to the goods — The Seller gives no undertaking that the goods are fit for any particular purpose .
2 Too much control and predictability might eventually subvert the organizational goals .
3 ‘ Panspermia ’ , as a word , therefore refers to those theories which insist that life came to Earth because ‘ spores ’ were somehow blasted off into space in the hope that they might eventually encounter a life-supporting planet — like Earth .
4 An archmage , by dint of great effort and much expenditure of time , might eventually obtain a small staff made from the timber of the sapient peartree .
5 In an attempt to formulate a credible political platform from which the JSP might successfully contest the forthcoming elections , a foreign , defence and economic policy review was unanimously approved during a meeting in August 1989 of regional JSP officials , and was made public during a press conference on Sept. 10 by JSP leader Takako Doi .
6 Depending on the terms of the respective partnership agreements of the firms involved , the dissent of any one partner might effectively scupper a proposed merger .
7 This low specificity of DNA binding might perhaps explain the promiscuous transactivating phenotype of 140k in transfection assays ( 15,16 ) .
8 Nor has it any more to do with Peter 's reforms than might perhaps justify an editorial footnote .
9 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
10 Er , if you get known as a good supply teacher you 'll get the work to begin with , you might only get an odd day .
11 This , of course , might merely reflect the actual flattening effect which information technology appears to have on organisational structures anyway .
12 Also yesterday , the Interfax news agency reported in Moscow that the Commonwealth of Independent States might soon create a single body responsible for co-ordinating oil and gas supplies and investment in the energy sector .
13 There were the usual fears that American involvement might soon reduce the British to the status of a junior partner .
14 Such a society might soon become an appalling one when judged against civilised standards .
15 Phenotypic flexibility might thus provide an alternative explanation for relatively low rates of rejection in allopatry found in other studies .
16 Once in a while , maybe on the first night of a stint somewhere , and we 've got the time , we might just do a brief check of some songs .
17 I might just throw a total number .
18 ‘ Not to mention the fact that someone in a protective white suit might just attract the wrong kind of attention , ’ Graham added between mouthfuls .
19 The Profitboss might just go the other way and invest in revenue generation with a major advertising campaign .
20 Well , we will try again , and maybe if we do win the Rumbelows League Cup and finish third in Division Two , we might just get the same coverage overall as one man has had over the past weeks .
21 Down on the ground the first thing to be heard is a distant squeal , and a sharp-sighted man might just discern a black dot like a bird high in the sky .
22 In the past , similar games have been used to groom club managers for greater things and Swindon Town might just have a future England manager in their midst .
23 ‘ I 'm staying at Dalian Atkinson 's house tonight and I might just have a little drink or two — hopefully he will be paying .
24 And when Mrs Amabel Dallam remembered to pay her for all those wedding chemises she might just take a few shillings to a certain bazaar in Leeds where she 'd heard good dress-lengths were to be had at bargain prices and make herself a new dress for Christmas .
25 I do n't need to copy it down when initially build it but er I might just put a little bit of extra work in I can make so and can copy it down .
26 On the far bank they might just discern the silhouette of a straining horse on the tow-path ; from nearby they might just hear a discreet splosh as the eel-fishermen cast off and slipped out into the stream .
27 A company that paid the telephone bills of 250 service engineers might easily face a sizeable demand for employer 's and employees ' NIC , especially if back years have not been dealt with according to the letter of the law .
28 Which makes the guitar at the top right in our main picture a very rare beast indeed , and an expensive one ; these days , a Style 4 as fine as this might easily outprice an original ‘ 59 Les Paul Standard .
29 Finding a potential wonder drug in the root of some Amazonian plant might easily excite the giant pharmaceutical industry players but there is then the risk that over exploitation would change the way of life of the natives and potentially destroy the very environment one is trying to preserve .
30 Figure 1 follows through only one function in each column , but one might easily imagine a similar division and re-division of any of the other six macro-functions , or of any of the resulting sub-categories .
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