Example sentences of "might [adv] [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If Barry Brittlebank ( 22nd January ) were to study a foreign language , he might perhaps become aware of the existence of the subjunctive mood .
2 but when it 's dead , it might only have six on it , six volts .
3 It might only drive both of us up the poll !
4 Well it 's starting earlier than that , but I wonder whether to leave it until because I might already know most of
5 He might just sit tight inside the castle .
6 Oh , and do n't tell him your war stories because they might just seem trivial to him . ’
7 We do hope to take the board of social responsibility report this afternoon as well and that people might just keep that in mind er because we have still three notices of motion on the panel on doctrine before we reach that .
8 but I think one one might still see this in terms of , of Mao 's ideas on excesses that , that clearly the situation was not right in the first half of , of nineteen forty seven .
9 If we make sufficient profit , we might also become subject to VAT .
10 It would have given us a base at least to operate from , a place where we could be contacted , and where we might even meet some of our fellow producers .
11 I might even accept some of them .
12 And erm some immediately post-war recipe books and I 'm sure you know if you 'd like to look at them after I 've finished talking you might even remember some of the er the er
13 UPANG PLAT Consciousness that while one 's agonized actions undertaken for love are on the whole rather funny to oneself , they might even look heroic to one 's friends ; a play with a cast of three or less
14 The Liverpool star , who will represent Britain in the May contest , said : ‘ I might even put some of them on my new album . ’
15 Sharp practice might even seem normal to some of them .
16 Although care must be taken in generalizing too much from Newby 's research in East Anglia , these contentions might well hold true for other rural areas of Britain .
17 Progressing to the next century , we arrive at an edition which might well satisfy one of Sawyer and Dartoll 's criteria , that of beauty of production .
18 yeah in fact that 's a fir , that 's a very good example you see , because in that situation you might well pay more for the carriage than the value of the item
19 " The presence of the Communists would bring some few thousand votes to the alliance ; but it might well drive millions into Mr Chamberlain 's camp . "
20 Although a two-state success/failure branch for components and systems is often used , this may be inadequate when we have to examine partial successes or failures ; this treatment for the plant might well produce thousands of sequences , so these are usually grouped into a small set of typical sequence states that will be bounding in terms of the consequences one is looking for .
21 If Montrose openly endorsed Kirkton , and carried his re-election , he might gravely offend some of his own friends .
22 There is one poem in which the I dominates to a remarkable extent and which , since it has been read literally , might seem an exception to my argument , namely 62 : If one reads only as far as this point , or reads the rest of the poem inattentively , one might indeed take this as an attack by the poet on his own narcissism .
23 The essence of the association 's idea was to develop flats for sale and this would make it possible to bring in private institutional finance — eg from a building society which might then become involved in providing mortgages for the individual purchasers .
24 I wonder what my father would have said if he 'd known his illegitimate son might yet marry one of the Kinmuires . ’
25 In this respect City 's sixth manager in nine years might yet become another of their shorter-term employees .
26 In this respect City 's sixth manager in nine years might yet become another of their shorter-term employees .
27 Another item on the agenda , relating to the site of a proposed hospital-clinic , suggested how one might covertly raise one of the burning issues of the day , of practical concern directly and indirectly to a large proportion of Kufrans .
28 A judgement sample might therefore include 5 of these 20 major companies , plus 20 buyers from the remaining 80 firms .
29 The Phoenix Arts Centre in Leicester is trying to shake off its persistent image of being just too highbrow for words and it is striving to show the general public that they might actually enjoy some of the things that go on there .
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