Example sentences of "might [be] [vb pp] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 This research will also consider how far young children 's social behaviour with peers encourages collaborative working at computers and , then , how far an individual 's self perception might be influenced by such focused collaborations .
2 The travel pattern might be influenced by such factors as convenience , minimizing travel time and the nature of the business ( for example , the businessman might wish to visit suppliers , manufacturers and retail outlets , in that order ) .
3 A hundred years earlier such an expedient might well have been used to impress envoys from some European state ; but by the later eighteenth century it showed merely that the Indians were exotic visitors from outside the European diplomatic system who might be influenced by such essentially childish devices .
4 I shall have to put a 10-minute limit on speeches , and the hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) might be affected by that .
5 agreed that finance would be needed to form and run a North American Division , but there was an Australian Division which had a local levy to raise its funds , which might be affected by any new arrangements for North America .
6 Even though , unfortunately , his army and possibly some civilians might be affected by this , which as human life again which seems to be not of so much importance for him .
7 The size of the forces which might be raised by these primitive and inequitable means , especially at moments of real crisis , should not be under-estimated .
8 The revival of interest in its ideas might be explained by this , rather than by its standing as a political organisation .
9 In 1966 the applicant was appointed as a lecturer to the university by a letter stating , inter alia , that his appointment might be terminated by either party giving three months ' notice in writing .
10 I know I 've told you this place might be run by these Chinese Triads , but I want everyone t'remember we 're dealin' mainly with kids here .
11 In response to the SNH access paper , he adds : ‘ While this might be opposed by some landowners and managers , it nevertheless offers an opportunity , as yet untried , for SNH and government to work out an acceptable scheme for appropriate legislation and test it publicly . ’
12 Similar pressures might be felt by some people today — to fight , or to risk injury in certain situations , and so on .
13 Secondly , although this might be seen by some to relegate librarians and information scientists to a rather mundane , humdrum existence , we would submit that the reverse is true .
14 It might be argued by some that his approach was too prosaic , but it would perhaps be more true to say that he cloaked classical ideals in the trappings of his own environment .
15 During local or national holidays abroad , certain facilities such as museums , sightseeing tours and shopping may be limited — if you feel your enjoyment might be diminished by such limitations , please check with the relevant National Tourist Office .
16 It might be imagined by those who are not themselves Anglican that the habit of ‘ going to confession ’ is limited only to markedly ‘ High ’ churches , but this is not necessarily the case .
17 But now McAteer said that ‘ no matter what truths might be revealed by such an investigation they could only be interpreted as weapons of war at this stage ’ .
18 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
19 The performance of cast iron in fire is better than might be expected by those who have some knowledge of the dramatic reaction of steel structures to fire .
20 Winnie felt that this could lead to somewhat alarming disclosures which might be regretted by all .
21 But at Lowwood , on Windermere , half-crown echoes might be had by those base snobs who would put up with a vile Brummagem substitute for ‘ the genuine article ’ .
22 Since each of the supposedly weak sites in tyr T DNA is adjacent to a much better site the weaker binding might be removed by this cooperative interaction .
23 These are cheap multi-vitamin supplements which contain many of the nutrients that might be required by those on a restricted calorie intake .
24 Turning now to the issue of occupational differentiation we can see that those occupations which are generally accorded the title of professions base their claims to special status on a number of grounds which together or separately might be used by any other occupational group .
25 In his 1956 speeches Khrushchev placed new emphasis on the ’ peaceful road' to socialism which , it was asserted , might be taken by those of the newly independent and underdeveloped states which , albeit not ready to take the fully socialist road , were nevertheless ‘ anti-imperialist ’ in orientation .
26 Indeed , Francis Crick had gone so far as to suggest , at least half seriously , that all work in molecular biology and biochemistry on anything else should stop until E. coli was ‘ solved ’ — whatever might be meant by such a solution .
27 The wall was as it had always been … but at the centre was a black smear , like the blackened smear that might be left by some kind of fire ; as if a blowlamp had been held there .
28 Er , another bit of the truth might be got by another researcher and er so there will be differences in what two researchers , using the same method , would get .
29 As well as enabling the regime to identify and arrest leaders , it might be interpreted by some western governments as a sign of the communist subversion claimed by Franco , to which they were particularly sensitive in the light of their worsening relations with the Soviet Union .
30 In larger primary schools , the roles of head , deputy , coordinator and curriculum leader might be complemented by those of year leader , head of infants/juniors , and indeed by other posts of responsibility .
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