Example sentences of "world in [pron] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Writers at this time were exploring the new social and material world in which they lived .
2 Pragmatics provides us with a means of relating stretches of language to the physical , social , and psychological world in which they take place .
3 Those hardy souls in the present century who ignore the mysteries and regard themselves as random atoms , moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance , must necessarily behave differently from those who , like so many in the nineteenth century , believed that they inhabited an ordered world in which they had moral duties to perform , even if these were obscurely glimpsed and seldom accomplished .
4 Once new fields are delineated they come to be seen as natural , their boundaries appear to derive from logic , and a world in which they had no place becomes unimaginable .
5 Non-fiction texts should include those closely related to the world of the child and extend to those which enable children to deepen an understanding of themselves and the world in which they live , eg books about weather , wildlife , other countries , food , transport , the stars .
6 In effect , despite their questioning of the assumptions of realism , and despite their awareness of the enormity of the task confronted by the writer , Spanish America 's new novelists still aspire , by and large , to do what novelists have always sought to do , namely , to depict the world in which they live .
7 These reservations apart , there is a consensus among all teachers that all children need to be helped towards a broad understanding and appreciation of the world in which they live .
8 We need to see teaching , therefore , not as the transmission of pre-existing knowledge to passive recipients , but rather as the provision of opportunities for children to continue to exercise their in-built drive actively to make sense of their experience and , thereby , to gain understanding of , and control over , the world in which they live .
9 Subjectively , people may learn helplessness ( Maier and Seligman , 1976 ) ; have an external locus of control ( Rotter , 1971 ) ; or feel alienated from the world in which they live ( Seeman , 1959 ) .
10 Children will find a full range of activities which will help them to make sense of the world in which they live .
11 The course is designed ‘ to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to help them understand the economic aspects of their own lives and the world in which they live ’ .
12 From infancy they may have wanted more than they were given , indeed , they may have needed more , more love , more attention , more education , more stimulation , more explanation about the nature of this world in which they found themselves .
13 Underlying the research is the view that the ways organisations compete are , in part , determined by their views of the world in which they operate .
14 He asserts cautiously that there is a ‘ possibility that both genetic and environmental influences , and interactions between them , may be important in the causation of mental processes , including awareness ’ and goes on to say that awareness probably has survival value because it enables animals to respond to the complexities of the world in which they behave .
15 Like our villagers , bureaucrats at every level operate within a commonsense , taken-for-granted world in which they feel at home : their world , as they see it , is one of reality , not of ideology .
16 Beckett 's characters ‘ begin and end their fictional journey at the same place , in the same condition , and without having learned , discovered , or acquired the least knowledge about themselves and the world in which they exist ’ ( Federman 1965 : 4 ) .
17 The Committee noted that ‘ the trend of social development is leaving the public schools out of alignment with the world in which they exist ’ .
18 To many , the world in which they appear to have lived seems to have been distanced from reality .
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