Example sentences of "man who [verb] [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 While the election of Paisley was a major blow to the credibility of Chichester-Clark , who might have been better advised to save face by not becoming personally involved in opposing Paisley , William Beattie 's victory in South Antrim was probably more damaging in that Beattie was far less well known , was standing in a more cosmopolitan constituency , and was competing against a man who had previously been a cabinet minister .
2 The man who had previously been compared to a dissected rabbit ( Barry Egan , NME ) and a pale , sad faced , First World War Volunteer ( John Peel , The Observer ) , found himself as a viable alternative to Brother Beyond , Wet Wet Wet and the Goss twins , for a bedroom wall appearance .
3 Nor would Morse be forgetting the only man who had not been present at the meeting — the man who still lay with a wicked headache and a barely touched breakfast-tray beside him in Room 201 , to which room Shirley Brown had shepherdessed him when , after his unexplained absence , he had reeled into The Randolph the previous night .
4 The Court of Appeal has taken the matter a step further in Shomer v B&R Residential Lettings Ltd [ 1992 ] 453 Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin 2 , by holding that in making the comparison with a hypothetical sick man , all relevant circumstances must be taken into account so that where , as in this case , there had been misconduct by the pregnant woman , the correct comparison was with a sick man who had also been guilty of misconduct .
5 And with Austen Chamberlain there was always the old difficulty of a stiff man who had once been so much his senior .
6 In the dream she lifted her right hand and stretched out her arm , the tiny pistol almost lost in the palm of her hand , pointed it at the man who had once been her lover — and shot him dead .
7 But in the room he saw a young man who had once been his friend .
8 He was reduced to a short old man who had once been the great painter Marius Durance .
9 The man who had never been safe became , upon leaving her , safe to her .
10 Harry had the impression this was one man who had never been drunk in his entire life .
11 ‘ I was a fit and healthy young man who had always been active .
12 After the war interest was again roused over Piltdown Man who had always been a sore point with anthropologists who could never really accept him .
13 He was going to have to admit he loved her and could n't live without her , and that was a hard thing for a man who had always been one hundred per cent in control , and who had always been one hundred per cent independent , and one hundred per cent rational , to do .
14 He wrote also of an old man who had supposedly been snowed in , in pitch darkness , inside his stone hut , for thirty hours .
15 Why did one of them look like a man who had supposedly been dead for over two hundred years ?
16 Although Ross was still obviously the same hard , unshakeable man who 'd always been master of his own emotions , it did seem to Laura that he was now acting in an oddly constrained manner .
17 I was just interested in whether you thought she disliked Nicola so much because she 'd started an affair with a man who 'd recently been her lover — you .
18 A man who 'd once been engaged to her sister .
19 I drove into the mouth of a carnivorous wave with the reckless abandon of a man who has just been given a week to live .
20 South Africa have named for the same job , not a professional journalist , but Dr. Nick Labuschagne , a man who has just been ousted as President of the Natal Rugby Union .
21 The first line begins with the man who has justly been termed ‘ the father of modern theology ’ , Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher ( 1768–1834 ) , who was Professor of Theology in Berlin from 1809 ; and leads on to Albrecht Ritschl ( 1822–89 ) , Professor in Göttingen from 1864 , and those who under his influence formed the school of what is now generally known as Liberal Theology .
22 A man who 's already been to jail for killing a policeman is going back to prison tonight after a judge increased his sentence .
23 A man who 's never been afraid to stick his head in among the flying boots , Moran 's medical records are thicker — and gorier — than a short horror novel .
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