Example sentences of "man who [vb past] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The man who had been seen at the Black Friar with MacQuillan was Ron Barron .
2 It so happened that Hugh was the man who had been producing Tony Newley and he said to me after listening to those tracks that this was the most exciting thing to come into his room since Tony Newley which I thought was quite amazing since , some time later , David was quite infatuated with the work of Newley .
3 Was it possible that Barrymore was in fact the man who had been watching Sir Henry in London ?
4 I decided I must try to find the man who had been watching us .
5 Inside was the body of a man who had been shot through the mouth .
6 On June 22 a Berlin court acquitted four former East German border guards accused of attempting to kill a man who had been shot and wounded when trying to escape over the Berlin Wall in 1971 .
7 A man who had been living on his own committed suicide .
8 He did not look like a man who had been living in the middle of the moor .
9 It had been he himself , Lewis , who had finally got on to the man there who was in the process of completing the proofs for the forthcoming seminal opus entitled Pre-Conquest Craftsmanship in Southern Britain , by Theodore S. Kemp , MA , DPhil ; the man who had been closeted with Kemp that fateful morning , and who had confirmed that Kemp had not left the offices until about 12.30 p.m .
10 The Feldwebel came back , and the man who had been filling in the new form turned round in his chair and looked at me .
11 Mr Gray said he knew of one man who had been threatened with court action for not paying his water rates when he did not receive a reminder .
12 In one hotel they found a man who had been mugged twice , young people who had been threatened with a knife and a newly-wed husband who had had his wedding ring pulled off his fingers by local thieves .
13 He cited as an example an intelligent man who had been disabled .
14 A LOYALIST gunman yesterday shot and wounded a Catholic man who had been disabled in an earlier murder attempt .
15 Police violence against members of racial minorities became a national issue following the widespread broadcast on television of an amateur video showing white Los Angeles policemen brutally beating a black man who had been stopped for an alleged driving offence on March 3 .
16 ‘ We think as you 're out o ’ pocket enough , what wi' buyin' the timber , an' it 's to our advantage , ’ a carpenter explained — the man who had been cheated by the coal merchant .
17 It was immediately clear , as Max had said , that there had earlier been much blood ; soon clear , too , that the body was that of a comparatively young man ; the body of the man whom Morse had interviewed ( with such distaste ) the previous evening ; the man who had been cheated of the Wolvercote Jewel — and the man who now had been cheated of life .
18 She was now a married woman or , rather , widow , ostensibly carrying the child of a man who had been killed in action .
19 I once knew a man who had been brought up beside a Patrick 's Well in County Limerick .
20 The clothes he wore , the cut of his hair , even the subtly elegant watch on his wrist , everything about him seemed to indicate a man who had been brought up to take wealth for granted .
21 In his autobiography , he tries to see how this happened to ‘ the whole man ’ — to the man who had been haunted since youth by a sense of joy ’ , to the man whose love of Autumn , of Northernness , even of his own mother , was always , as he came to feel , a longing for one without whom our hearts will find no rest .
22 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
23 Rachel crawled into the confined space beside him , and with a little jolt she saw it was Len Seager , the man who had been having alcohol-related problems .
24 What I am saying most specifically is take all of me — and here of course Gary began the melody on the piano and we all smiled and then she sang , sang her song , and believe me we did all listen to the words that night , we knew that the man who had been attacked was there , and we knew that O and Boy were standing shoulder to shoulder in our midst , we saw them in the centre of the mirror , saw ourselves standing beside them and standing by them and give me a drink now because I had such hopes of a lover of my own on that evening and here I am .
25 A man who had been bitten by a snake in Sydney , Australia , refused medical help when paramedics would n't allow his dog in the ambulance .
26 The first story I wrote as a full-time reporter concerned the death of a local man who had been visiting friends in Indiana and whose remains were being sent back to Moose Jaw for burial .
27 A man who had been sitting silently by on the wooden form got to his feet , his hand outstretched , and he said , ‘ There ! take it ; and if you want to pay it back put it in the voluntary box she was talking about . ’
28 Together with Toby Freely , the fresh-faced young man who had been sitting next to Tom Tedder , she brought up , modestly , the rear of the exodus .
29 He had then been dragged behind the vehicle and held down while the man who had been sitting beside him during the journey drove the car over his legs .
30 Beth was crying too , crying inside , and she wondered whether she would ever again see the young man who had been left in her care .
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