Example sentences of "man 's [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 There had been several copyings out and rewritings over a number of years , and although the changes made are sometimes evidence of ideological revisionism ( the poet had become more conformist in his later years ) , what is remarkable is how much of the young man 's vision has been allowed to remain intact .
2 The blond man 's T-shirt had been removed and tucked into his belt so it hung limply behind him .
3 Man 's capacity to mythologize was a remnant of his pre-lapsarian capacity to see into the life of things :
4 We noticed the man 's wallet had been cut away from the belt round his waist .
5 A DISABLED man 's benefit has been cut by 7p a week — because his wife is now entitled to a 7p weekly pension .
6 But the man 's presence had been unnerving and he was capable of lying .
7 The man 's clothing had been reduced to rags and he was loaded with fetters .
8 Just as she felt ashamed and somehow responsible for the disgrace of her mother 's lover so she felt that the man 's attack had been her fault .
9 The man 's throat had been cut from ear to ear , soaking his shirt and trousers in blood .
10 While ordering the drawings in the Turner Bequest , Ruskin wrote to Elizabeth Browning in 1858 that he believed ‘ the old man 's soul had been gradually crushed within him , leaving him at the close of his life weak , sinful , desolate — nothing but his generosity and kindness of heart left ’ .
11 The shaikh was concerned because a man 's arm had been broken ; but the cause of the dispute was the use of government resources to damage the interests of rival lineages .
12 In this case , the man 's grandfather had been a well-known bone-setter for his gentle touch , but the father had been a bone-cracking bone-setter .
13 A man 's body has been found in a barn that was destroyed by fire .
14 In the following year the President argued that man 's nature had been used by God and that state-imposed collective responsibility was unnecessary : Christian altruism had worked through an ‘ inevitable though almost undetected stimulation of Egoism ’ .
15 He saw the indiscreet movement of the CI5 man across the road , and guessed that the man 's attention had been distracted after the long night 's watch , and he had missed the car 's departure .
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