Example sentences of "man [Wh pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I surveyed the scene around me and vowed that when I grew up I would marry a rich man who would carry me away from all this noise and squalor .
2 I thought you might have become the sort of man who would do something like that . ’
3 I decided that she had never really liked Richard and wrote her an angry letter attacking a Labour politician I knew she particularly admired , saying he did not care for Socialist principles and was no more than a cunning man who would do anything for power .
4 So it was that the eight of us ended up , kit gleaming in the spring sunshine , awaiting the arrival of the man who would diagnose our ills , administer a local anaesthetic and set us on the road to perfect health .
5 Or perhaps she could be like Merlyn Joseph and find herself a rich man who would install her in a yacht .
6 I hope she wo n't relent , for there can be life after divorce and it would be great for her to find a man who would value her and be faithful .
7 Her eyes swept across his face , and suddenly she had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him that it was n't important at all , that she was , inside , what he 'd called a real woman , one who wanted a home and children to fill it , and most of all a husband , a man who would take her in his arms and kiss her until nothing mattered except him , kiss her as Nicolo had , make her want him as she 'd wanted Nicolo …
8 Though from a much more comfortable background than Burton , Dylan Thomas had been brought up just the other side of Swansea Bay , a few years older than the man who would become his greatest reader .
9 A man who would touch you for ten francs , and go home and paint what would one day be worth ten million .
10 Until the final scenes Bolam 's Macbeth is a placid , middle-management man who may reckon he has been unfairly passed over for promotion .
11 One man who may have his eye on it is David Mellor , Secretary for National Heritage .
12 He 's not a man who 'll share his woman , and I do n't blame him .
13 It is a situation of great humiliation for women when they realise they do not possess their bodies except in relation to a man who might give them something — either children or some economic advantage .
14 So although I 'd assume a potential audience of mainly women who 'd be interested in this topic , the programme actually distanced that audience by addressing a hypothetical man who 'd think it rather ‘ odd ’ to select women candidates at all .
15 After being the man who 'd sell his sister , he was about to become the man who 'd lost his wife .
16 In John 's Gospel , Jesus , when asked to identify the man who will betray him , answers , ‘ It is the one to whom I give the piece of bread that I shall dip in the dish . ’
17 Credit Broker : a middle man who will find you a loan .
18 I 'm sure that — your name — everything about you — but the will says and quite emphatically and Colonel Moore — ’ an element of anger there ‘ — is a man who will see it through to the letter . ’
19 A man who will help you . ’
20 Mortgage Broker : a middle man who will get you a mortgage .
21 ‘ I need your help , Nick , because my only son is dying and my only daughter is following his example , and I need a strong man who will save them . ’
22 There you will meet a man who will brief you on the details of when and where the operation will take place .
23 The man who will contact you will probably be the aeroplane passenger . ’
24 This was the first time in her life that she 'd been in the company of a man who could bring her out in nervous flushes , make her heartbeat race and her stomach turn all watery , just by watching her …
25 THIEVES stole drugs from a doctor 's surgery and took them to a Middlesbrough man who could identify them with a handbook , a court heard .
26 How ironic that she felt so alive in Piers 's company , the one man who could shrug her off as carelessly as he would shrug off a few flecks of sand from his T-shirt .
27 Now she could choose second-rate happiness , cosseted and protected by a man who could give her anything she wanted , except the marquis .
28 In brief , the good leader , the man who could inspire his army , not merely he who could avoid the obvious pitfalls of generalship which Frontinus had pointed out , might be born with certain inherent qualities , but these had to be developed in the only way that could lead to success , through practice and experience .
29 The boy was present on that path , by his own statement and actions , he had , however he might regret the act afterwards , cause to be rid of a man who could accuse him .
30 To actually meet a man she did n't find boring , a man who could make her feel , and to know that nothing could ever come of it ?
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