Example sentences of "man [unc] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 McLeish instantly understood the man 's nightmare but realized he could give only qualified reassurance .
2 When he was half-way over , the Czechoslovak police guarding the back of the embassy grabbed the man 's belt and began hauling him down .
3 Elaborately carved vases , figures , and smaller versions of the great jade mountains found in Ch'ing palaces further contributed to a man 's standing and enhanced the aesthetic ambience of the higher reaches of Chinese administration .
4 Gregson met the other man 's gaze and pulled a small photograph from the inside pocket of his jacket .
5 Yes , there is somewhat in me still virgin , but not my body , and not at any man 's beck and call like my body .
6 It was something about the old man 's attitude that had made him cry .
7 This power also has proved to be potent on a truly universal level , with France in particular warming to the man 's work and awarding him its prestigious Chevalier of Arts and Letters , an honour doubtless of special significance to a writer who lists Flaubert and Stendhal as primary influences .
8 Carew , sensing the other man 's agitation and fearing he was going to say something rash , gave a warning glance .
9 After checking that the proper procedures had been followed and that the incident had been fully recorded , Rachel contacted Louise Raymond , the factory welfare officer , and asked her to telephone the man 's wife and inform her that he was being admitted to hospital .
10 He cut the bandages close to the man 's chin and began slowly unravelling them , pausing every now and then to lift the man 's head .
11 He placed them firmly on the man 's chest and pressed the buttons .
12 With a lot of effort she finally managed to close the left-hand door and bolt it into place , then pushed the arm against the dead man 's chest and forced the other door over , sliding the remains of a file through two loops where the handles had once been to keep it shut .
13 So-called from ‘ hak ’ , a species of snake , developing into the term ‘ hagge ’ during the sixteenth century to describe ‘ a succubus who sits on a man 's chest and gives him nightmares ’ .
14 It was a man 's voice that said ,
15 Any astrologer worth her salt would have predicted this man 's presence and told her to steer clear .
16 At least I have the man 's name and have written to the Inspectorate of Constabulary at Dublin Castle and to the Sheriff of Kilkenny County .
17 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
18 He grabbed the man 's hair and slammed his face against the wall .
19 ‘ Yeah , do that , ’ Joe suggested , and he walked over and put his hand behind the man 's head and pushed him face-first into the screen .
20 They said , ‘ It is more radical and revolutionary to change the white man 's heart than to slit his throat . ’
21 The FT-SE 100 Index was in no man 's land and closed with a marginal two-point gain at 2706.2 .
22 The idea of the ballet is to sketch a few facets of a man 's life as seen by him ( hence Unisoculous — one eye ) .
23 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error , for re-setting the direction of man 's life and training him in good living .
24 I grabbed the man 's shoulder and shouted at him " What did you say about a ball ? "
25 Shirts that left Comme des Garçons with a one-hundred-pound price tag will be knocked down for a bargain price ; and a man 's shirt that looks good on a woman will cost more than the men-only variety .
26 The boy hid his face in the other man 's shirt and allowed himself to be drawn away .
27 I also wondered if Sir John Santerre , despite his bluff bonhomie , was skilled and well-versed in seeking out a man 's weakness and pandering to it .
28 Her shots tore off one man 's ear and wounded another man in the buttocks as he fled from the pub .
29 Ellwood put his mouth close to the old man 's ear and whispered , showing his teeth .
30 A SKINHEAD bit off a man 's ear and spat it out on a pub floor after the victim criticised his pitbull terrier .
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