Example sentences of "each [prep] which be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The bulk of LIFFE 's trade is conducted by " open outcry " in pits , each of which is specific to a particular type of instrument which is traded in it only during the recognised hours laid down by the Exchange .
2 It is a painting which requires the eye to interpret objects , each of which is discrete , distinct , with its own meaning .
3 The whole circular design is set within a square formed by the inner border of an arrangement of repeating geometric panels ( panels which , themselves , are significant not only for their suggestion of links with the continent ( section 4.4 ) and with other simple , geometric designs , but also for their inclusion of eight circular medallions , each of which is reminiscent of the three , minor concentric circular designs listed above ) .
4 There are many measurements involved in evaluating a TL age , each of which is subject to measurement errors .
5 As in the clinical domain , there seems to be a common theme of ‘ psychoticism ’ which nevertheless , in a given individual , will be revealed as a unique blend of several different constituent elements , each of which is continuous with some recognisable symptom pattern found in psychotic illness itself .
6 The debate arises from the obvious difficulty of avoiding two types of police relationships in the community , each of which is undesirable for different reasons .
7 It has fewer benefits to dispense than previously , yet is faced with a plethora of interests , each of which is unwilling to moderate its demands in the interests of all .
8 Many legal terms could have one of a number of possible meanings , each of which is reasonable .
9 When an element can exist in two or more allotropic forms each of which is stable over a range of conditions , it is said to exhibit enantiotropy .
10 Integrity is flouted not only in specific compromises of that character , however , but whenever a community enacts and enforces different laws each of which is coherent in itself , but which can not be defended together as expressing a coherent ranking of different principles of justice or fairness or procedural due process .
11 Insofar as the labour process may be dissociated , it may be separated into elements some of which are simpler than others and each of which is simpler than the whole .
12 Consider a single firm which initially has a stock of ten machines each of which is capable of producing 100 units of output per year .
13 It 's easier for the learner to remember three syllables , each of which is simple to spell , than a seven-letter word which is hard .
14 As on so many occasions when we discuss matters in the House , we are faced with a conflict between principles , each of which is important , and with the question of how properly to resolve such a conflict .
15 Finally , at the level of the cortex , information is relayed in parallel streams to a set of cortical areas , each of which is devoted to analysing a particular attribute of the visual field , such as colour or stereoscopic depth .
16 In his Theory of Light and Colour ( 1777 ) , he suggested that the retina of the eye contains three different kinds of particle ( elsewhere he speaks of ‘ molecules ’ or ‘ fibres ’ ) , each of which is excited by a different kind of light .
17 As teachers , we should notice that a clear understanding of the formal connections between sentences may help to explain one of the ways in which foreign language students sometimes write supposedly connected sentences , each of which is well-formed in itself , but which somehow add up to very strange discourse .
18 S. Maria in Cosmedin in Rome still has its elegant tower of c. 1200 in seven storeys , each of which is arcaded , and has a brick cornice .
19 It is supported by massive piers at the crossing , each of which is 28 feet thick and is pierced by two tiers of arches , one at ground level and the other at the gallery stage .
20 We have tried to produce a series of conceptually coherent and professionally relevant books , each of which is concerned with ways in which children with varying levels of ability and motivation can be taught together .
21 The ‘ bibliographical division ’ is divided into subject groups , each of which is responsible for professional duties in one service point of the authority , and also for all the bibliographical responsibilities in the subject field allocated to it .
22 Social research covers a range of activities each of which is different in its time and resource implications as well as in its functions .
23 I think of one particular school working with a scheme on " The World of Nature and Belief in God " in which the same slides were shown , the same background material given to teachers , and the same amount of time allowed for discussion in the four different classes of 9 – 10 year-olds , each of which was similar in composition with regard to ability and home background .
24 Half a dozen men right at that moment had started out on different paths , each of which was one side of Mahoney 's life .
25 At the opposite end of the scale , about 1,800 houses , or nearly a third of the total , were constructed by the fifteen largest firms , each of which was responsible for between seventy-five and 230 buildings .
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