Example sentences of "each [noun sg] [coord] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 These exemplars were chosen to reflect a range of different traffic situations within each junction and were intended to be representative of the full set of 28 films of each junction available from the drives in Study 1 .
2 Campbell pointed out that London policemen worked only eight hours each day and were given one day off each week .
3 The afternoon when they discover that they have to have a complete outline plan of the Dolomites ready for the Ministry by nine o'clock the following morning , and all stay working into the small hours , until their backs are aching and their eyes closing , and they all love each other and are united in extremity against the entire world .
4 Instead we have to recognise that all practices are dependent on each other and are interdefined .
5 Figure 8.8 Sage grouse mate on leks , in which males aggregate and defend territories from each other and are visited by females .
6 In no time at all , girls from three schools in the neighbourhood were punching each other and being dragged away by the police .
7 Radiation readings are taken every hour at each station and are transmitted to a central computer which analyses the data .
8 The inquiry runs from Tuesday to Thursday ( 10am-4.30pm ) and Friday ( 10am-2pm ) each week and is expected to last at least two months .
9 This is measured by the difference between the expected long-term rates of growth in real sales at the beginning and end of each month and is used as a proxy for profits .
10 Units are valued on the last working day of each month and are allocated on the first day of the following month , after the receipt of your premium .
11 Water progresses through each chamber and is returned to the pond via a ½HP ITT Marlow pump and a 30W steriliser encased in 4″ ABS piping .
12 Those unfortunates who were late received two cuts from the weapon — one on each hand and were admonished not to be late again .
13 Mortalities from cancer ( cancer given as the underlying cause of death ) were calculated for each treatment and were adjusted for age by the direct method .
14 The Union provides one full-time officers who is elected from within the Belfast members each year and is supported by a full-time member of staff .
15 The Union provides one full-time officer who is elected from within the Belfast members each year and is supported by a full-time member of staff .
16 The ESRC Data Archive Bulletin appears three times each year and is distributed to approximately 5000 readers in the United Kingdom and beyond .
17 There will be slight inaccuracies in these estimates as a few claims will be received in April each year and be paid at a new rate after a rise in fees , and some very late claims may be paid at an old lower rate .
18 Clearly , what is needed is a control structure where the plausibility checker either is allowed to say what part of a logical form it objects to , or ( more preferably , given our remarks earlier about strong and weak preferences ) is given a set of bindings for each anaphor and is allowed to weed out implausible ones .
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