Example sentences of "government [verb] not [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The federal Government do not exercise proper control .
2 It is all very well to discuss with industry the promotion of women to board rooms and senior managerial positions , but in general women see that , if the Government do not tackle low pay and unequal pay and provide some help with child care , women will not in any sense be equal or have any kind of equal rights .
3 The Government did not honour this commitment when unemployment benefit became taxable in July 1982 .
4 If the Government did not fulfil these expectations , they could find difficulty in future in arranging any such competition .
5 The Government did not own any land in Charles Street .
6 At the trial state prosecutors argued that subversion charges were warranted because the defendant had sought ‘ to give a wrong picture of the facts in East Timor to prove that the Indonesian Government did not respect human rights in the province ’ .
7 All that was assuming the government did not take direct action to dissolve the boards .
8 The Arias government did not reduce public expenditure , especially on social sectors and education , as much as the opposition proposed nor as much as the IMF advocated .
9 But Michael Heseltine , the President of the Board of Trade , made clear to MPs that the Government did not consider that saving mining jobs should be a factor taken into account in giving consents for gas-fired stations .
10 It is interesting that in the last hundred years , periods of relatively stable prices were periods when the British government did not have discretionary control over money supply growth — namely the pre-First World War gold standard and the Bretton Woods System — whereas periods of inflation and deflation have occurred when the system is anchorless .
11 The government did not accept all these proposals : housing in particular was treated differently in the legislation from the recommendations of both the English and Scottish Commissions .
12 My Government does not want that .
13 Whilst we recognise that the Government does not want local authorities to use development plan policies to limit change of use rights , we believe the final guidance should indicate the special circumstances in which such constraints may be justified , for example , in order to avoid environmental problems or to sustain the traditional employment base of a particular locality .
14 After a long fight to beat inflation , the government does not feel sympathetic to these demands .
15 The Council believes that the Government does not give sufficient back-up to the Parks authorities and should place an outright ban on certain types of development without further ado .
16 The estimates contrast with the UK government 's figure of 8 per cent , the main reason for the difference being that the government does not include vulnerable areas unless they are the dominant ecosystem in a standard grid of 100 square kilometres .
17 The Government does not publish any breakdown of the social background of those YTS graduates who fail to gain employment .
18 The government does not have any intention to suppress the existence of multiple and autonomous initiatives regarding the ownership and operation of the mass media .
19 The government does not have any intention to suppress the existence of multiple and autonomous initiatives regarding the ownership and operation of the mass media .
20 ‘ If the government does not have these conditions , I can not take any responsibility for what happens .
21 Provided the government does not take all the extra pre-tax profit in taxes , increasing pre-tax profits must always increase post-tax profits .
22 The first thing he said in his article was ‘ the position is that the Government does not provide specific grants for any school to expand if there are schools nearby with empty desks . ’
23 And Chief Constable David Graham has warned that if the Government does not provide extra money , drastic steps will have to be taken .
24 Similarly , in retrospect Dearlove 's prognosis of the reorganization of local government does not survive close inspection , although like Cockburn much of what he says hits important targets .
25 The Ecuadorean Government does not recognise native peoples as having land rights .
26 In dealing with these acts , the government does not adopt any extra-judicial measures ; existing laws apply .
27 That is an important concession but one which will be wasted if the Government does not accept that part it now has to play .
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