Example sentences of "'m [adj] that you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry that you 've both been troubled , but obviously you 'll appreciate that we have to follow up any complaints of this nature . ’
2 I am not singing ‘ Take my head and my heart and all my bad habits but by the way I 'm sorry that you have to put up with all that but they 're just part of the package you see . ’
3 ‘ I 'm sorry that you have n't spoken .
4 ‘ Well , I 'm sorry that you do n't like my clothes . ’
5 Erm , and he said , you know , I really resent the fact that you treat me like a village idiot , and I said , well you know , I 'm sorry that you feel that way , but my experience is of a group of fourteen people , erm , is that somebody always gets it wrong .
6 I 'm grateful that you listen to him , and do not treat him like a fool just because he is old . ’
7 I 'm delighted that you 've been able to come along at such short notice .
8 It does have some impact I 'm sure that you 've been the training session and you thought it 's really good , really got a lot out of it and you 're quite surprised to see someone sitting next to you did n't like that much at all , you thought hmm wonder why that is because I found the content really interesting and it could have been the content matter did n't really sort of do anything for the people , it could have been the way it was put together , put over and the way it was actually structured .
9 I 'm sure that you know quantities of whores and harlots . ’
10 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
11 They were prepared to compromise because they I 'm sure that you know you ca n't imagine them not being really but because they 're such erm they were outraged at this machine but they were prepared to give it a try but the way it was bulldozed through that once the machine was there there was no choice then and almost you know get going boys get more and more and more slate you know greed they felt the employer was being greedy at the expense of quality .
12 I 'm sure that you do n't want — ’
13 And I 'm sure that you do .
14 And I 'm sure that you do .
15 And I 'm sure that you do . ’
16 And I 'm sure that you do . ’
17 And I 'm sure that you do . ’
18 If you catch my drift , and I 'm sure that you do . ’
19 That seems to me to be a consideration which may be able to address in general terms by yourselves , but depends very much on the individual proposals , and and erm is is a matter of detail of the individual proposals , I 'm sure that you do n't want presented here the the fine detail of of individual proposals
20 ‘ Forgive me , but as a guest of your Government I … well , I 'm sure that you understand . ’
21 And I 'm sure that you do-be-do-be-do .
22 As I said earlier , I 'm pleased that you 've come to Girton for this symposium , come away from your normal surroundings in the perhaps stuffy office in some district council to the beauty of the wide open spaces here out in the countryside .
23 Well I 'll be quite honest with you , when I came in the other day you had a couple and I 'm amazed that you 've still got them .
24 er , well I 'm , I 'm a waitress and erm when I 'm working I consider the restaurant my stage and I have to be somebody else because I 'm worried that you know who I am is n't good enough to entertain these people .
25 ‘ I 'm surprised that you have never remarried .
26 No , we why do you think , what we er we er , if if you said if you were looking round a place an , and and a mother said , I 'm surprised that you have n't segregated the men from the women in the dorm .
27 I 'm aware that you rate my integrity somewhere between that of Idi Amin and King Rat .
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