Example sentences of "going [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 From the start , go right and pick up two crates , now kill the guard and the policeman , get the third crate and travel down the lift , at the bottom go right and kill the policeman , keep going right until you fall off the edge of the platform .
2 All these workshops that have been going on that we have n't been to .
3 going on that you 've missed .
4 So much is going on that you do n't know anything about — ’
5 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
6 They seen a lot of shit going on but I think they were impressed with home we coped with it all , ’ enthuses PD to the eager nods of Paul .
7 Although all of us are deeply concerned to know precisely what happened in East Timor , will she bear it in mind that , since Indonesia took over East Timor a few years ago , there has been considerable development of the infrastructure in that country , and that , although no one condones that massacre , we must know what has been going on before we adopt the language that we heard from the Labour party ?
8 she knows more what 's going on than I do
9 You are kind of dozing but you are not asleep because you ca n't get to sleep because there is a needle sticking in your arm and you have got a drip going on and they come and change the bag and you are constantly feeling sick .
10 We are within the Constitution as it stands , nothing illegal is going on and we claim the right to be treated as democratic citizens assembling as we are free to do .
11 ‘ They must n't forget there 's a recession going on and we 've just got to be realistic about money . ’
12 I said , there 's loads of building going on and we have had money to do this and it 's jolly well time .
13 ‘ There 's a lot going on and we do n't want any crossed lines . ’
14 Damned if I could make out quite what 's going on and I 've been trying hard enough . ’
15 I do n't think us er er public people really realize what is going on and I think then they would maybe stand up and be
16 Well , I think it erm , very , I mean I think as you said Chairman , if erm , there 's a clear majority for one party it 'll unblock a whole lot of delay and decision making which I think is going on and I think that that should be helpful .
17 And the final thing on three two er the question of how far I know this has not been asked today I do n't people with er three or four page briefing get the summary I do think that the sort of and there 's a great deal of voluntary activity going on and I think if we can support that , that would , be that would be great .
18 Oh it 's terrific you know it 's a great building I like it I like what 's going on and you say will you come back again ?
19 I I hope so I think it was er er we bridged you know I mean maybe you know it 's often the way is n't it you know you think that 's something going on and you think it 's different to what it is when he realized we were all very level headed and that er .
20 What is going on when we get our students seriously to reflect in this way ?
21 What is going on when we give reasons for our beliefs or actions ?
22 I had n't really thought about it , it 's erm it all depends on what farm I 'm going on cos I 've or erm cows an , cows and bullocks , you know .
23 ‘ I wo n't march off and ask what the hell is going on because I know he will be acting in the best interests of the team .
24 It can help some to keep track of what is going on if they have others to help them .
25 I have as much right to know what 's going on as they do .
26 I do n't see us going down if we keep all our best players and we 'll finish mid-table .
27 So Joyce thinks he 's , he 's going in after you see
28 going in till you find
29 He 's Mr Nice Guy , you see , he talks about going in when you have something nice and positive to promote and you think he does n't actually read The Sun .
30 There 's no way we 're going in until you tell me what 's wrong . ’
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