Example sentences of "going [prep] [be] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's going to be changes after that cup defeat at Porstmouth …
2 So I , if there are going to be changes in French erm France 's relations with its neighbours within the E E C , erm I do n't see that they can be very quick , and I do n't see that they can ultimately be all that large .
3 However , there are going to be difficulties in developing private care agencies .
4 There are clearly going to be conflicts between what is good for individual animals and what is good for a population , species or ecosystem .
5 Of course there are going to be times in your life when you feel sad or unhappy and , at such times , it is perfectly natural to cry .
6 But I know there 's going to be problems on this .
7 When he arrived on the set all hunched up with his head down to his waist , she knew there were going to be problems on the way .
8 Now clearly , we 're not going to pretend that there are n't going to be problems in the future that we may have to address .
9 Er I I think I take Mr 's point that er you would n't go to well a mile it 's really going to be horses for courses is n't it ?
10 I 'm not against pamphlets if they 're going to be lines in communication .
11 There are not going to be agents of the DES disguised as pupils planted in every classroom , and teachers , renowned for their creativity , can exercise some of it on discovering creative interpretations of the law .
12 There are going to be implications for the private sector and for the statutory authorities and for SAD .
13 But a financier : when he lays it on the line it 's going to be portraits of presidents cashable in solid US any place on the globe .
14 Officially you are all going to be victims of a surprise attack on the rescue party by the native inhabitants .
15 And are there going to be flags in the street ?
16 ‘ Pardon me being basic , but is it going to be nights over a hot typewriter with champagne and a little heavy breathing on the side ? ’
17 On the whole I think it 's a , a good thing , er it 's only five or six years ago that an historian called Paul Kennedy published a book saying that America was in decline as a super power , er and in fact I think what 's happening is that er , there are , there are going to be clusters of super powers now in the world and they 're all more modest than American and the Soviet Union were a few years ago .
18 Yes we were told they 're going to be trees like that because they 've had a lot of trouble with pigeons roosting in the erm the mature trees and it 's impossible for people to sit on the benches underneath cos of er pigeon mess .
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