Example sentences of "where [pron] [verb] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
2 ‘ I often have rounds where I keep knocking it to 15 feet and then miss the putts .
3 I do n't know where I 've seen it .
4 Do n't know where I 've put it .
5 In case I forget where I 've put it .
6 Okay now there 's some information for you to just er I really do need a pen and I do n't know where I 've left it .
7 I returned the book to the place on the shelf where I had found it and walked quietly out of the room .
8 But the farm , the Belle-Etoile , was not where I expected to find it .
9 I I I I thought I knew it , but I could n't make out where I 'd heard it .
10 I grabbed my leather jacket from the chair where it seemed to crawl to no matter where I 'd hung it earlier and found the keys to Armstrong in one pocket and a screwed-up five-pound note in the other .
11 I retrieved my stash from where I 'd taped it under the steering column and my cigarettes and green Rizla papers from the dashboard .
12 The hose was where I 'd left it last summer , not neatly stored but tangled in a corner , its untidy coils covering a rake , a batch of canes and a pair of long-handled shears .
13 The doughnut was where I 'd left it .
14 On discovering the bottle on the mantel where I 'd left it , my mother became quite agitated .
15 I stood in the slanting sunlight , warm and yellow around me , the stench of burning flesh and grass on the wind , the smoke rising into the air from burrows and cadavers , grey and black , the sweet smell of leaking unburned petrol coming from the Flame-thrower where I 'd left it , and I breathed deeply .
16 My Exhilarator visor was still in the grass where I 'd left it and I sat down beside it to take stock of my stings , bruises and cuts .
17 For answer , I picked up the newspaper from where I 'd thrown it on the desk .
18 You know where I have heard it from , it 's from work , because er they do , they do lengths and stuff and
19 I leave the car where I have parked it and walk to my last appointment .
20 Right , well remember where you 've left it then , so that when you want your drink you know where to look .
21 Ah look where you 've put it , poor doggy !
22 you can have it at the top where you 've changed it and then the window underneath you can scan it through the file again .
23 Erm it 's just ninety degrees from here or from there depends on where you want to put it .
24 Yeah but I think on the back of the giro there 's a thing where you have to countersign it saying I authorize so and so
25 I asked her to show me where she 'd seen it .
26 In the suspended moment Jess saw a long strand of cobweb stretching from window to floor , flecks of dust spinning in a shaft of sunlight , her petticoat in a ball against a pile of hay , the filthy shirt on the nail where she 'd hung it the night before .
27 She wondered where she 'd picked it up , and who was missing it .
28 It had n't rained , and her bicycle was still where she 'd left it — again — by the fence .
29 Finally , she snatched up the envelope from the table where she 'd left it and carried it to the one window that might , if she were lucky , catch a vagrant breeze from the river a block away .
30 Elisabeth took her bicycle from where she had lent it against the garden fence .
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