Example sentences of "same can be say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the same can be said for sessions with the shrink , I 'm not sure .
2 Much the same can be said for the group of surnames representing the former holding of offices , which includes such obvious examples as Butler , Chamberlain , Reeve , Beadle , Granger and Steward , but some are less obvious because time has dimmed both the memory of the office concerned and distorted the spelling of the name : Grieve = a farm steward ; Gayler = a gaoler ; Bailey = a bailiff or sergeant ; Spencer = a dispenser of provisions ; Tunnard = guardian of the village ( tūn ) pound ; Senskell = a majordomo ( seneschal ) ; Wardrop = a wardrober .
3 The same can be said for the ME-10's overdrive ; again this sound is a matter of taste , although not really mine .
4 The trouble is that charity work never ends and the same can be said for the constant need for money to pay for research work , buy new hospital machinery or vehicles for disabled youngsters .
5 The same can be said for working-class , black and other oppressed groups .
6 Much the same can be said for the use of the ‘ grid ’ in countless high-modernist abstract paintings by Mondrian , Reinhardt , and many others .
7 Much the same can be said for Lichtenstein 's comic-strip pop art or Alex Cox 's use of Lichtenstein-type devices in his film Repo Man .
8 Full of energy and compulsion , the same can be said for ‘ Dodgen ’ where the colour is all part of the motion .
9 Games are an integral part of any school 's curriculum and the same can be said for New College , but all the pupils are blind or have got very little sight .
10 The same can be said for President Rafsanjani , Iran 's moderate leader who remained determined to fend off the radicals and to end Iran 's isolations .
11 Exactly the same can be said of ethical and psychological categories , or any critical categories whatever . ’
12 Much the same can be said of Ayer 's treatment of existence .
13 Precisely the same can be said of the many divine beings reverenced from within Hindu tradition .
14 Much the same can be said of any reason for action .
15 The same can be said of PH Emerson 's work on local communities of the Norfolk Broads .
16 The same can be said of the next dog of great influence : Ch.
17 The materials may well have improved , but only time will tell if the same can be said of workmanship and design .
18 Also straights can vary tremendously in quality although the same can be said of some compound feeds by the way !
19 The same can be said of receiving intuitive aromatherapy massage from a friend .
20 Painting , architecture ( as its most pure ) , and literature have a definitive form or text , and although the same can be said of drama whilst it remains on the printed page , its conversion to the performing medium allows a great deal more flexibility than music ever can .
21 The same can be said of stallions , though most people do n't have the facilities to keep them .
22 Individual existence then seems to require some form of hi sā and the same can be said of our existence as social beings or as members of society .
23 In spite of the weaknesses in his attempted synthesis , the same can be said of him in the context of the theology of the last century and a half as of Sir Christopher Wren on his tomb in St Paul 's Cathedral , Si monumentum requiris , circumspice — ‘ If you would see his memorial , look around you . ’
24 And the same can be said of structures .
25 The photos are of variable quality , but often interesting ; the same can be said of the colour plates , which show an extraordinary range of service-specific camouflage clothing and insignia , but are sometimes rather stylised in appearance .
26 This amounted to little more than a regrading of established Yorkist bureaucrats , and the same can be said of the exchequer , where the office of treasurer , left empty by the death of the earl of Essex , was filled by the earl 's former deputy John Wood .
27 Much the same can be said of the third issue , of free trade vs protectionism .
28 The same can be said of the junior ministers who finally wrecked the government in 1922 ; many of these would have been cabinet ministers in a party government .
29 Much the same can be said of the widespread use of ‘ suggestion schemes ’ , which although not compulsory are so widespread that employees feel obliged to participate in them .
30 The same can be said of the gold treasures thrown into the lagoon of Guatavita , Colombia , in the course of ceremonies to mark the appointment of successive rulers .
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