Example sentences of "same [noun] that [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That this was so , and that its effect was emphasised by the fact that it was largely in these same regions that opportunities for women and children to earn expanded when elsewhere they may even have declined , explains why home demand at least did not collapse despite increasing dependency ratios , very slowly growing income per capita and a deterioration in real wages on the part of , probably , the majority of the working population .
2 This mirrored the same argument that opponents of Merrell Dow and of lignite mining in Co .
3 In the same way that notions of old age are structured by social and economic policies , concepts of health are similarly socially constructed ; there is no simple definition of either health or illness .
4 In the same way that coins with mint names can be used to identify sites , so datable coins can be used to date objects or structures found in association with them .
5 That peal of exile first heard in Hand in Glove still rings true in moments on Viva Hate ! and no doubt always will , no matter what follows , in the same way that traces of wantonness persist in Jagger 's voice , beneath all the mannered overlay of time .
6 The range of drink-associated items buried as grave-goods may be symbolic of an individual 's role in society in the same way that pieces of weaving equipment in durable materials are found in richly accompanied women 's graves .
7 Thus , while trade unionists wished old people to be kept at a level of economic decency , they realized at the same time that pensions without a retirement condition would erode the wage structure and weaken trade union bargaining .
8 To a remarkable degree during the 1960s , geographers turned away from certain environmental problems at the same time that colleagues in neighbouring fields discovered those issues …
9 Pérez announced in the same speech that prices of electricity ( for both domestic and industrial consumers ) , petrol and basic foodstuffs would be frozen , that prices of medicines would be " stabilized " and that financial provisions for public transport , home ownership , housing for the military and small businesses would be improved .
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