Example sentences of "government can [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Another way that government can intervene in its environment is to employ people to do the intervening for it — manpower .
2 ‘ AT THE tail-end of 14 years in power our rump of a Conservative Government can think of nothing but half-hearted socialist measures , as if through introducing socialism by the back door it will somehow ease its own exit by the front ’ — Commentator Auberon Waugh .
3 In the midst of this terrible recession this government can think of nothing better than scrapping Wages Councils and introducing more union curbs .
4 Translated into today 's idiom , the more that local government can rely upon its own tax base , the better .
5 When the Minister replied in Committee to our amendments and proposed new clauses , he said — as he has tended to say throughout the passage of the Bill — that the Government can take to themselves the power to give certain safeguards .
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