Example sentences of "own [noun] [conj] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mind you , you 'll have to write out the replies yourself in your own handwriting and in your own words — they 'll expect it to come from you . ’
2 Where Johnson exercised great prudence in his remarks , both in his own text and in his letters to Mrs Thrale , Boswell took a different line ; having concluded his great notation of Flora Macdonald 's exciting tale , Boswell summarised that for all the Highlanders ’ dedication to the Stuart Cause , he ‘ found every where among them a high opinion of the virtues of the King now upon the throne , and an honest disposition to be faithful subjects to his majesty … ’
3 In my own case , he wrote , and I can speak only for myself , in my own case and in my own life there have been very few genuine beginnings , only three or perhaps four .
4 Other critics praised Street Scene : George Blaisdell for instance liked the way in which ‘ simple persons have come into their own ’ and Photoplay told its readers that here they would find the ‘ humour , the pathos and the gripping drama ’ which they saw again and again in their own lives and in their own newspapers , but then it went on to ask : ‘ Will it be box-office ? ’
5 They also sang about their own lives and in their own accents so it became really unique .
6 People will have to shift — on their own basis and in their own lives through coaxing and imposing , disengaging themselves from nationality .
7 The result was an emphatic seven-try victory over a courageous side who , over the past few months in their own colours and in their other incarnation as the Canadian national team , have overwhelmed Japan and the United States and been pipped by Wales and Ireland ( minus their Lions ) after surrendering leads late on .
8 Upper Halling has its own team and in its early days this team played in the field opposite the Robin Hood , and I have been told of near carnivals on Sunday afternoons .
9 Mr Mr I think it 's implicit in our own nature and in our own character and a known fact that we are constituted here as a general assembly and we indeed ascribe to that and I do n't think we need to affirm it on a lower level of what is in fact the very standard of our existence here er in a general assembly .
10 But that release must be confirmed on its own terms and in its own modality .
11 The hunt will occur later , on its own terms and in its own time .
12 But it is with this group that antiracism can be most readily identified and we need to examine it on its own terms and in its relationship to other more easily identifiable class groupings .
13 While contracts ( see under contract teaching ) can be used in full-class , teacher-centred situations , their full potential is realised when they are employed to break the " lock " step and free students to work at their own rates and in their own ways .
14 Indeed , it could be said that the secret of his success lay not so much in his ability to use to his advantage the divisions within his own forces as in his perception of conservative Spain 's deep-seated desire for a leader who would restore and conserve the country 's identity as a great world power .
15 What worried him most , apart from the meretricious glitter of the whole charade , was the erosion of the proper role of Cabinet Ministers , both in relation to their own departments and in their right to be fully consulted on matters of collective responsibility ; the Prime Minister 's indifference to the processes and opinions of the House of Commons , provided a majority would sustain him in office ; and the disarray and poor morale which coalition under a dynamic chief of another party was creating in the headquarters and local organizations of the Conservative Party .
16 There are others ( amongst whom I am one ) who would argue that we need to give young children the opportunity to develop fully at their own pace and in their own individual ways .
17 Strangely , it was a job that satisfied him , for he did it at his own pace and in his own way , and provided he did it well , which he did , then there was nobody to disturb him .
18 Where it occurs , we see students wanting to be immersed in a body of knowledge on their own account and in their own way .
19 He can take tricks either in his own hand or in his partner 's hand , which is spread on the table as the dummy .
20 That 's not to say there was n't child abuse now , I I have my own thoughts and in my own feelings feel that there could have been some child abuse especially ch sexual abuse .
21 I shall deal with both points in my own way and in my own time .
22 Even relatively unsophisticated observers could see that the Roman leaders were basically interested in their own power and in their own wealth ; their estates , the number of their slaves and all the other signs of unilateral exploitation were daily becoming more conspicuous .
23 So an essential skill of counselling is to avoid completely the giving of advice , and to allow counsellees to take what eventually must be their responsibility to arrive at their own decision , in their own time and in their own way .
24 They travelled in their own time and in their own personal capacities and their expenses were paid by their hosts . ’
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