Example sentences of "here [coord] i [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I must get out of here or I shall say other things .
2 Well you have to have , you have to have a the only the trouble with it is , I 've got , I 'll either have to put them up here or I 'll have to scrape scrape some of the wall out I ca n't close the door !
3 Minsky is making an interesting and important point here and I shall refer back to it , but for the moment the quotation functions purely as a sample : what it has in common with Turing 's classic paper is that it is not philosophical argument at all .
4 I shall be staying here and I shall fight back just like my old man did at Dunkirk . ’
5 I shall buy a house somewhere near here and I shall live there .
6 James ( 4.2 ) : When I 'm grown up big I shall be like a giant , and I shall be up here and I shall look down at you and you will say , ‘ What are you doing up there ? ’
7 I must say this was n't a problem for anyone here and I would hope that moving the string ferrule does n't affect the brightness or jangle factor overmuch .
8 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
9 ‘ A lot of our fans travelled here and I would like to apologise to them .
10 . So our purpose here and I would echo er what Miss has just said , is essentially to take a view about migration .
11 well come here and I 'll sponge it off
12 I 've got the final total written down here and I 'll tell you if you 're right . ’
13 Now come here and I 'll show you how to take the marks out of handkerchieves . ’
14 Come here and I 'll show you .
15 Come round here and I 'll sort that cheek out for you cos you 've still missed it .
16 Tell your Mum to come here and I 'll lay back and all .
17 ‘ He said , ‘ Stay here and I 'll clear it all up later . ’
18 No you come here and I 'll do
19 You hang around here and I 'll go on a head !
20 You hang around here and I 'll go on a head !
21 You hang around here and I 'll go on a head !
22 Yes we used to A whole lot would come here and I 'll go somewhere else the next day you know , we used to help one another to sheep shearing .
23 Well to me it 's still not real , sometimes I think oh I 'm just here and I 'll go home and I 'll see him and then when you get there it 's just four walls that 's when it hits you
24 ‘ Just fly us out of here and I 'll take my complication with me . ’
25 I said you put one lot of checks in here and I 'll put a lot of checks in the other .
26 It 's up here and I 'll sell two twenty new bidder two twenty now two twenty then it 's half way down on the left at two twenty and I 'll sell at two two forty two sixty still against you two sixty , it 's down there and I 'll sell at two hundred and sixty pounds .
27 At seven thousand pounds all done at seven thousand , the bid is here and I 'll sell at seven thousand pounds .
28 Right bring the tin round here and I 'll find you a pencil right , now bring your Snow White thing round , that 's the best one to use , right
29 ‘ You wait here and I 'll come as soon as I can .
30 ‘ Stay here and I 'll come back when there 's news . ’
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