Example sentences of "more than [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 They like nothing more than wallowing in a cool mud bath in the mornings when the sun is not too high and then resting in the shade of an acacia tree during the scorching heat which follows .
2 And they , of course , fuel the form of crime fiction that attempts to do something more than indulge in a contest with the reader — the books I call the detective novel and the crime novel .
3 The number of cases have more than tripled in a week , registering the highest increase since the 1975-76 epidemic — when a peak of 350 cases per 100,000 were recorded and 1,283 people died .
4 Le Monde of Sept. 6 said that an estimated 400,000 hectares of rice had been affected , adding that rice prices had more than tripled in a week .
5 In Scotia , which had not been mentioned as part of the Archbishop Adalbert 's spiritual kingdom , a few members of the Norman party left at short notice , to be more than replaced in the next week or two by friends and kinsmen who wanted their posts .
6 Even Schopenhauer could do no more than persist in a hopeless search for truth .
7 Even before 1905 , a solidly-based mass press had come into being , and in the last decade of the Empire there was an explosion in the publication of newspapers , while the number of books appearing more than trebled in the first decade and a half of the century .
8 And , with a horrified shudder , it occurred to Folly that if she stayed any longer in the corridor she might hear more than talking in the room beyond the door .
9 Thus the points made in the sentence quoted by Price are more than underlined in the final text .
10 And nor should they be , for if my contention is correct , they are simply discovering new applications for that basic idea of popular power ; they are doing no more than engaging in the latest reinterpretation , or fresh application , of the classic democratic idea .
11 It is clear that the decision in Francovich does no more than usher in the doctrine of state liability for failure to legislate and that the full impact of the doctrine remains to be established .
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