Example sentences of "too [adj] [to-vb] [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 And this trend has sparked frequent claims that many people are living in fear , often too afraid to go out at night .
2 The glare dimmed and outlines of roofs and trees and angles at street junctions , lampposts , signs , doorways , scaffolding and cranes — too molten to look up at at two in the afternoon — calmed into focus , became distinct against the astounding pure clarity of the sky , and later became so sharp and clear that looking at them was like a note you could not hear but only sense within the ear by some change in vibration .
3 he 's too tired to go out at night
4 She smiled at the decent , hard-working housewives like Sairellen Thackray — too busy to smile back at her — who were scouring their doorsteps with pumice stone and polishing their door-knockers ; waging war to the death — their own , quite likely — against soot from the mill chimneys which attacked their washing lines ; against foul air and foul water which attacked the bodies of their children ; against bad housing , bad weather , a spell of bad trade when a reduction in a husband 's wages could cause their whole , grimly constructed edifice to crumble .
5 My vet — an older man who lived out on the Downs — has just retired , so I 'll try both your practices which will be to my advantage , because when one practice is too busy to come out at once then I can call on the other . ’
6 She was too angry to run down at once to Electricity , had to calm herself by walking briskly around the streets , postponing thoughts about her father till later .
7 What we 're also talking about , is elderly people being able to go out at night and not be too frightened to go out at night .
8 If it is too drastic to jump in at the deep end with such a sweeping change , why not try it out in experimental matches , festival or night matches ?
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