Example sentences of "too [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I merely wished to caution against being too hasty in this matter . ’
2 Blast is still going strong though , perhaps because its sound is too loud for wet fashion victims to handle .
3 The aim is to be aware of the contrast between a voice volume that is too loud in ordinary circumstances and the voice volume that is suitable for ordinary conversation but using feeling instead of ( or as well as ) hearing to monitor the loudness .
4 Its bottom octave is too weak for ordinary use , though it is attractive when extremely lightly accompanied .
5 But they will just as surely have died because they were too weak in political muscle to be able to fight back .
6 Th they they demanded a higher wage er for erm just because Er m a man was n't too dear if it was a good er harvesting day , a man was n't too dear at any price .
7 They are a little too garish for Western tastes , but possess a distinctive ethnic flavour , and the wool is good .
8 Now such a meal , as any dietician will tell you , is far too rich in nitrogenous substances , since fish has just as much assimilable albumen as meat , and contains a great deal more phosphorus … "
9 The great man himself is now 95 and too frail for any involvement .
10 Of the remainder , another 25–35% will be too advanced for curative treatment and will turn out to be unresectable if surgery is attempted .
11 Bavaria is facing the first major sell-off of an historic private collection since the war , and they have consulted Britain on how to respond , as England is all too used to such dispersals ( Yet another took place last month with the sale of Pitchford Hall ) .
12 No fate is too cruel for voracious snails , here devouring Iris foetida
13 He was , along with ( Sir ) Charles Arden-Clarke and Edward ( later Baron ) Twining [ qq.v. ] , one of the ‘ young guard ’ of governors , carefully picked by the Colonial Office to replace an older generation like Arthur Richards ( first Baron Milverton ) and Sir Philip Mitchell [ qq.v. ] who , in the eyes of such architects of decolonization as ( Sir ) Andrew Cohen [ q.v. ] and his master , Arthur Creech Jones [ q.v. ] , were too rooted in pre-war attitudes to adapt enthusiastically to the new spirit of social engineering and transfer of power .
14 Such variables are too specific to industrial relations to be included in the flashpoints model of public disorder .
15 Captain Aranyos was not too specific on that point . ’
16 Shareholders may not be too heartened by such promises .
17 His original intention was to do research in Political Geography , but Central Europe was at that time too political for such research to be practical .
18 Freshly made tea , coffee ( not too many , not too strong with skimmed milk and no sugar )
19 He says I come on too strong with these men , not sexually because believe me , I do n't .
20 Even without skipper Denis McBride , Scott Kirkpatrick and Stuart Duncan in the pack , and scrum half Stevie Cowan and centre Bill Harbinson , Malone proved much too strong for ineffective North in a repeat of last year 's final .
21 It is now considered too strong for internal use and can cause vomiting .
22 Talented Hughes and ex-North Wales county team member Preston from Prestatyn were too strong for professional coach Arwyn Pierce of Ruthin and his young partner Danielle Morris Jones of Rhyl , running out straight set winners at a cost of six games .
23 Even the federal analogy is too strong for most groups .
24 It may be just a little too strong for some people .
25 There were railway bridges close to the Beckenham boundaries , that at Beckenham itself being too low for double deck cars .
26 ( 3 ) Rewrite the extract on p. 78 beginning " Moore states … " , so that its register is consistent ( and neither too high nor too low for academic writing ) .
27 The reliability of the individual subtests is regarded as ‘ too low for adequate prediction and diagnosis from individual profiles ’ ( Weener et al .
28 It is just possible that a diet too low in certain foods will produce iron and calcium deficiency .
29 My problem is one of gearing — basically it is too low in all gears .
30 If any one should think that the women 's earnings are stated too low in these accounts , he will be convinced that they are not , on considering that these women commonly begin the world with an infant , and are mere nurses for ten or twelve years after marriage , being always either with child , or having a child at the breast ; consequently incapable of doing much other work beside the necessary businesses of their families , such as baking , washing , and the like .
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