Example sentences of "too [adj] [verb] [adv prt] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It may be that by now his authority is too weak to hold up his end of a coalition bargain .
2 A wind such as East Anglia only knows , cruel , ‘ lazy ’ ( too lazy to go round you , going through you instead ) , a wind which made the old ladies in the town say : ‘ Oi 've got me thermals on ’ .
3 ENOUGH electricity to light Basingstoke is being wasted every night by people too lazy to switch off their remote control televisions at the mains .
4 Kāli chose the steeper , shorter route to the forest and we climbed at a leisurely pace , stopping occasionally to catch our breath , lurching drunkenly and bumping into each other when the gradient increased and we were too lazy to keep up our momentum .
5 I wondered if he was too obtuse to pick up what I was driving at ; he was a simple soldier , after all , serving his country to the best of his ability , etc. , etc .
6 The sea was calm , the sky was blue and with the sun beating on the tent it was almost too warm to zip up my sleeping-bag .
7 They were n't too quick to give up their prejudices , for part of the reason for the existence of prejudice is that our intolerance is directed against those who form some kind of threat to us .
8 The tenant should ensure that the landlord is not given too long to make up its mind and the period of 60 days suggested by the precedent seems fair to both sides .
9 Perhaps it will provide a beacon of hope for future generations of pianists for whom it is not too late to swerve off their mat and sterile paths , to follow the lead of a genuine eccentric and a genuine musician ?
10 He was too short to see over his stable door and he could n't communicate with his friends , especially retired Police Horse , Stapleton .
11 It was too far to make out what the apparatus was ,
12 It was too far to make out his smile , but she knew the smile was there .
13 Our canine consultant , Sally , was only too keen to check out its bona fidos .
14 I get to my feet , my stomach aching from emptiness , my whole body cramped from bending over , my hands too dirty to roll down my sleeves …
15 The Italian manufacturer seems to be happy with the arrangement because , being a medium-sized manufacturer , it is considered that it would be too expensive to set up their own distribution facilities in the United Kingdom , and Argent Distributors seem to have performed a reasonable selling job on their behalf .
16 There was a moment 's hesitation and then he heard Alison 's voice , filtered and distorted and too distant to make out what she was saying .
17 The present landlord was all too eager to keep up his predecessor 's reputation in the matter of hollands , and was only too delighted to dispense it to as many Lionisers who requested it .
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