Example sentences of "does not [vb infin] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is felt that if the economy does not improve soon he will be reshuffled out of the Treasury by the Prime Minister .
2 Trollope does not suffer much himself from prickings of conscience ( though whether his diamonds are real or paste is another matter ) .
3 For instance , ash we build up an initial market share with a tyre that does not wear out we move away from the long-term profitability because replacements fall sharply .
4 If the Middle East does not move forward it will collapse
5 Indeed , although Hegel does not admit quite what I am now suggesting , he effectively concedes that , given the difference between the sexes , unity between them is impossible .
6 From the hundreds of volumes at home , including Shakespeare , Chaucer , Spenser , Shelley , Keats , Byron , Tennyson , and Browning , the boys were encouraged to learn selected poems for recitation ; but Edward does not record where he had found and read Darwin 's Descent of Man and books of travel , sport , and natural history , especially the many copious draughts of Richard Jefferies .
7 Flaubert does not build up his characters , as did Balzac , by objective , external description ; in fact , so careless is he of their outward appearance that on one occasion he gives Emma brown eyes ( 14 ) ; on another deep black eyes ( 15 ) ; and on another blue eyes ( 16 ) .
8 ‘ Flaubert does not build up his characters , as did Balzac , by objective , external description ; in fact , so careless is he of their outward appearance that … ’ it would be interesting to compare the time spent by Flaubert making sure that his heroine had the rare and difficult eyes of a tragic adulteress with the time spent by Dr Starkie in carelessly selling him short .
9 In many historical accounts , it is stated that late ME [ a ] developed into [ ae ] in the early seventeenth century ( it does not matter here what date is cited ; what is important is simply that a relatively exact date is cited ) .
10 Directors have sometimes been called trustees , or commercial trustees , sometimes they have been called managing partners ; it does not matter much what you call them as long as you understand what their true position is , which is really that they are commercial men managing a trading concern for the benefit of themselves and all the other shareholders … they are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in the management of the company 's affairs and to act honestly .
11 And the ship does not give away its own position since the ESM is completely ‘ passive ’ .
12 ‘ Behind the gentle smiles and the cheery waves she is an utterly determined woman who does not give up her grip on her family easily , ’ says royal-watcher Margaret Holder .
13 The trouble with this formulation is that it does not suggest how we can be sure as to just what is the constitutional set-up , and this is a particular problem once we recognise that the power of particular institutions is subject to change and that there are disputes as to what are ( and should be ) the fundamental practices and rules .
14 It does not suggest how their relationships with each other may have to change as part of the process .
15 That is , the reader is absorbed into the experience , does not stand outside it .
16 The amendment the Government has put forward does not hold out much real hope for B R managers about remaining in the medium or long term in charge of viable business , to that extent the amendment does not carry out what I believe was the intention of Lord Paignton in in moving the amendment .
17 Greenblatt does not explain why one ‘ historical ’ text is chosen rather than another , and whether they may , or may not be , considered representative of those commonly found in cultural circulation .
18 Many of the symptoms of jet-lag relate to how we feel , but such an explanation does not explain why we should feel below par , and seems less acceptable when one would expect the mind to be concentrated on enjoying oneself on holiday or performing at one 's peak on business or at athletics , for instance .
19 But as it stands , this declaration does not explain why we should accept these criteria , nor why Lenin 's proposal is anything other than arbitrary .
20 This does not explain why she describes the movement of a crowd as ‘ hydric ’ , or locates the home of Mr Castro 's father , the Galician ex-soldier Angel Castro , in a ‘ nouveau wilderness ’ .
21 I was therefore delighted to read in chapter three that the author , talking about oversimplified reasoning in music says , ‘ … . it does not explain why I respond with goose-pimples to Bach 's Kyrie every time I listen to it . ’
22 Seeing the Houses of Parliament , or even a debate in the Chamber , does not explain how we are governed .
23 He gives us the voice , so we can examine it ourselves and ask our own questions about it , even though he does not cite directly anything the Oxford voice says .
24 Marx assumed that this portion is capitalist personal consumption , but this is a highly simplifying assumption that does not hold once we move only marginally away from the very highest level of abstraction at which he was working .
25 Brooke stated that a ‘ substantial part ’ of its turnover would be devoted to ‘ good causes ’ , but the Bill does not set out what proportion of the proceeds will be allocated respectively to prizes , to administration and to the said good causes .
26 If the OCU does not reform then it will be a sad day , at the very least this unique RAF institution should have been allowed to ‘ go out ’ in style rather than simply vanish out of the back door .
27 What is now holding sway in the super-ego is , as it were , a pure culture of the death instincts , and in fact it often enough succeeds in driving the ego into death , if the latter does not fend off its tyrant in time by the change round into mania .
28 I then say ‘ If anyone does not join in I will get them out to help ’ .
29 Because the courts have held that appropriation does not occur instantaneously they have been able to expand and contract the term to catch those who are " manifestly guilty " .
30 The statistical approach follows on from the Lorenz curve type information but recognizes that , for example , studying the income share of the bottom 10 per cent does not indicate how they are doing in relation to the mean or median of the distribution .
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