Example sentences of "does not [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 It follows from ( 8.3 ) that Y i does not change for any i in T A .
2 They may suggest that you have no confidence in your argument or even that you ca n't make up your mind — and that does not make for much of an argument .
3 The first three also damage stratospheric ozone , while ozone produced in the troposphere does not compensate for this loss , but in fact behaves as another greenhouse gas .
4 While class-based information does not exist for all those students who fail to gain work after graduating from a YTS , the conclusion about how the scheme operates in the case of black youths is probably equally valid with respect to white youths without qualifications coming from poor , unskilled , working-class homes .
5 The sooner an agreement is notified the longer the period of protection from fines is likely to be , since such protection does not exist for any period of operation of an agreement prior to notification .
6 each has a separate thumbnail file , and if one does not exist for any given image , PhotoFinish creates one .
7 Darwin 's theory on evolution does not mean for many Christians , no some Christians do not accept Darwin 's theory of evolution .
8 If , the Hopf bifurcation does not occur for any positive r , and are stable for all otherwise C " + are stable in and unstable in .
9 However , dissolution does not occur for some time and the excellent tissue reactions of the hydroxyapatite coatings have a very positive role .
10 A young childless widow who does not qualify for either of these benefits will no longer be entitled to the weekly national insurance benefit even for the first 26 weeks .
11 Natural selection does not select for any kind of qualitative improvement .
12 The world does not notice for another year .
13 ‘ Hurry , Wolfprince , for my work does not wait for such as you , ’ he said in his sibilant whisper , but now Nuadu detected a lick of pleasure in the voice .
14 Patrick O'Brian 's long sequence of sea-adventures gives the lie to the dogma that the genre does not allow for any real development of character .
15 This type of joint does not allow for any expansion and a ring seal joint should be fitted every 1.8m ( 6ft ) to allow for this .
16 He is supporting a scheme that is essentially a monopoly and does not allow for any genuine competitive challenge which , as we have all been informed , is the only real moderating influence on the free market provision .
17 If the tradition still exists today — and it appears that it very much does so — it implies that the United Kingdom does not have for many loyalists a natural character of statehood in the way the Southern state has for catholic nationalists .
18 If the so-called specialist does not ask for this information then retreat rapidly and find someone else who does .
19 Moreover no proper name can fulfil its function as a proper name without certain descriptions that specify the conditions under which the name in question can be significantly applied , but it does not follow for this that names are ultimately " reducible " to descriptions ; i.e. that , in the final analysis , there is no real difference between them at all .
20 As a result , you may have little practical alternative but to agree to increased working hours or to work in a different area , despite the fact that the contract does not provide for such things , if they are commercially necessary from the point of view of the business .
21 That is certainly not the Government 's intention , and the Bill does not provide for that .
22 It often does not reappear for many more miles .
23 If a law does not account for all that happens , then it has to be modified .
24 The sea-launched ballistic missile system that we have been discussing does not account for all our nuclear arsenal and we must look at what is left .
25 The model involving hydrogen bonding to guanine also does not account for some features of cleavage at GpN sites .
26 But how can we expect the Brazilian Government to care for trees when it does n't care for many of its people ?
27 It was disappointing , though , that he seemed to be knocking the efforts of those with other aims : ‘ How can we expect the Brazilian Government to care for trees when it does n't care for many of its people ? ’
28 ‘ If you 're looking for something really new , like pen-based computers or multi-media , Compaq does n't stand for that , ’ says Stewart Alsop , editor of PC Letter , a trade journal .
29 Is this independent , single parent who does n't stand for any of Barry Brant 's messin' anything like the real Hilary ?
30 However , if a small company does n't provide for any one of these operations , it is unlikely that company can give its artists adequate service .
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