Example sentences of "does [coord] [verb] not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It addresses certain key issues which continue to be troublesome : the selection of aspects of commercial law suitable for harmonization ; the level and scope of the harmonizing measure and the extent to which it does or does not displace conflict-of-laws rules ; the factors relevant to the method of harmonization and the likelihood of its success ; the problem of language ; the efficiency of the mechanism by which harmonizing measures are brought into existence and implemented by national legislation ; and , most crucial of all , the indifference , or even hostility , with which harmonization proposals continue to be greeted .
2 In the end , said , ‘ it 's all about getting to know the client 's business and having a partner assigned to that client whose job it is to know it and what it does or does not want ’ .
3 When we are dealing with the structure plan for which there is no local plan in force , we have a new problem which is that , owing to the diagrammatic nature of the plans , no one will be able to say with certainty that this does or does not affect the claimant 's property , but that nevertheless , because of that very uncertainty , a wider number of properties may be affected .
4 But , as men used to fighting for power , both were well placed to explain how the computer does or does not redistribute that power .
5 Whether nature does or does not do the same thing is always tantalising , and sometimes revealing about the principles and mechanisms underlying the creation of structures .
6 Such an assumption requires the invocation of additional processes to explain precisely how what a child does or does not do in one setting might be related to the child 's performance in a different setting .
7 ‘ Threat ’ when used in this connection means ‘ an intimation by one to another that unless the latter does or does not do something the former will do something which the latter will not like . ’
8 Even now , almost a decade into the project , we can not say that the monster does or does not exist .
9 More frequent medical examinations would not help reduce the risk ; the tests currently available that might indicate , for example , whether an increased coronary risk does or does not exist , themselves carry a risk that exceeds that which we are endeavouring to protect against .
10 Where a court is considering whether a provision does or does not cover X the rule will not admit the parliamentary history of the provision to demonstrate that at no stage in the parliamentary proceedings was there any suggestion that the provision covered X. It remains to be seen how long judges in the United Kingdom will be able to require negative evidence from parliamentary material to establish that an admissible statement is an expression of parliamentary intention , but exclude such evidence as an aid to construction .
11 Families of different kinds , for example those in which the mother does or does not work outside the home , are compared in terms of the ways in which they respond to the unpredictable , but inevitable , occurrence of these episodes of childhood illness .
12 Are there any ways in which you think that it does or does not work particularly well , looking at hers , mine 's , mine 's more boring , hers , she actually departs from the , from the text more .
13 Those who argue about this ( about how much should be spent on Arts faculties in universities , for example ) tend to debate whether it does or does not help the economy , help people to do various jobs , and so forth .
14 The difficulty arises when it is uncertain whether or not the competent adult ( as I call her for brevity ) does or does not consent to the proposed treatment .
15 We are going ahead with our projects and have no comment on what any other company says it does or does not own . ’
16 which may well mean that the higher courts will be reluctant to spell out for magistrates and the police exactly what conduct does or does not fall within the ambit of the section .
17 There is , I think , no material distinction between interpreting the law for the purposes of applying it , having due regard to article 10 , and interpreting the law for the purposes of deciding , when the point has not been finally decided by the courts , whether the law does or does not provide to a local government authority the right to sue for libel .
18 To the lay reader the revelation of Clark 's memoirs is the complete self-assurance with which the effective influence of No. 10 over what does and does not appear in the national media is assumed , whatever slips may occur between cup and lip .
19 The preferences of the state are at least as important as those of civil society in accounting for what the democratic state does and does not do ; the democratic state is not only frequently autonomous insofar as it regularly acts upon its preferences , but also markedly autonomous in doing so even when its preferences diverge from the demands of the most powerful groups in civil society ( Nordlinger , 1981 , p. 1 ) .
20 Clearly , a large part of the job of a person making a submission to the court is to ‘ know ’ the judge , to try to predict what the judge does and does not want to hear and so on .
21 Among the results of his wide-ranging research into human sexuality Alfred Kinsey discovered what does and does not arouse both men and women :
22 One widely accepted explanation is that the ordering of information is determined by the sender 's hypotheses about what the receiver does and does not know .
23 The variety of the social events undertaken by such groups means that you can select what does and does not appeal to you .
24 A further difficulty relates to defining precisely what does and does not constitute economic activity .
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