Example sentences of "still [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it 's like the one aunty Lynne had and I , I bought for aunty Lynne , years ago , that I still got in the cupboard you know .
2 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
3 It was the grandfather who had founded the school , and he still lived on the premises .
4 The result of all this was that , although at the end of the century a third of the population still lived below the poverty line and the diet of the poorest included items such as white bread , condensed milk , and vegetable oil margarine , the earnings of a Lancashire cotton operative in 1913 permitted him ‘ a breakfast of coffee or tea , bread , bacon and eggs — when eggs are cheap — a dinner of potatoes and beef , an evening meal of tea , bread and butter , cheap vegetables or fish , and a slight supper at moderate price ’ .
5 You 're always saying you wished you still lived in the country .
6 I heard the news from a guy I knew who still lived in the village .
7 In Robert Roberts 's farming family this seems to have been the accepted practice on both sides : later on , as a young farm servant , he went to work for an uncle where his mother 's parents still lived in the farmhouse .
8 It was no good , she thought , for Signor Fixit to pretend that he still lived in the age of Just William .
9 Since then she had married someone else and been widowed , but she still lived in the district with their daughter , Anna .
10 For all his much-vaunted ‘ conversion ’ , it seemed that he still lusted after the pleasures of the flesh , still itched to finger the curve of Clare 's side , to feel her thigh brush against his .
11 But many more thoughtful pacifists still clung to the hope that the appeasement of Germany 's Versailles grievances would serve to moderate , or even undermine , the Nazi regime .
12 Her fingers still clung to the spokes , keeping one wheel out of action .
13 Duroc 's team had got the power on , and he had sent exterminator packs into the streets to begin the task of clearing out the vermin that still clung to the ruins .
14 Something of the Mamur Zapt 's old aura still clung to the post .
15 How the leaves which still clung to the branches of the pear tree were silvered on their undersides .
16 Strands of early morning mist still clung to the hollows as the sun tried to break through the patchy cloudscape .
17 She did not weep silently like her mother in a web of hands and hair , but noisily , like a child , with great sobs and huge tears that splashed down on to the brown wool of her skirt to which little bits of hay still clung from the afternoon .
18 Back at the car , the two tarts still slouched against the wall next to the railway embankment .
19 Dust still swirled above the pile of stone and rubble on the floor below it , creating a hazy curtain behind which red and orange flames danced and writhed like living things .
20 The torchlight still flickered at the windows , and there were faint bursts of song filtering out .
21 ‘ Marseille lead the group and remain the favourites to go through , but we gave them two goals of a start at Ibrox and still drew with the French on a night when injury prevented us from having Ally McCoist . ’
22 Although the bolts were thick , I still bent in the middle when I was lifted and carried , a man at either of my ends .
23 Although Marx highlighted the necessity of the proportionality between use-values in such exchanges in the passage just quoted from , in his own analysis he still concentrated upon the creation of value and surplus-value in his examination of the capitalist production process .
24 Smoke from the burned rajathuks still coiled into the heavens .
25 Morrissey 's songwriting still stemmed from the angle of poverty and this early repertoire would last for eighteen months of success .
26 The wind still howled through the chimney pots and rattled through the cracks of the window frames .
27 She wrenched her face away from his , her breathing fast and shallow as she stared up at him , her pupils still dilated from the passion he 'd stirred in her .
28 So essential did this communication seem to the West Midlands survey respondents , that the repetition that it would inevitably entail for the manager , as different volunteers come in each day , still seemed worth the effort .
29 A pre-filter of simple gravel ( we have tested a prototype GSM — not the new model — which still suffered from the age old problem of clogging , which also afflicts simple foam pre-filters ) .
30 When Watkins put forward his observations regarding remnants of prehistoric alignments in Britain he ran head-on into official archaeological thinking which still believed in the Piltdown Man .
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