Example sentences of "year [unc] [noun sg] was the " in BNC.

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1 If New Year 's Day was the dawn of a new era , clearly someone forgot to tell Europe 's flag-carrier airlines .
2 But easily the most impressive aspect of this year 's dominance was the sheer consistency and reliability of the car and its engine .
3 One of the most significant selling points which the Banks used during last year 's dispute was the fact that Extended Opening Hours would give rise to significant numbers of additional jobs in Banking .
4 Last year 's outbreak was the first of its kind in the country .
5 The only negative feature of the year 's trade was the closure of the Belfast/Liverpool ferry service .
6 Held 2–8 March , the fair enjoyed twice as much space in its new premises , the Grand Palais , as it had done in its former venue , the basement of the Hotel George V. Still an all-French affair despite the eagerness of foreign galleries to get in , this year 's Salon was the first to include nine contemporary dealers , including Gerald Piltzer who made a last minute decision to join in .
7 As for the benign intent : whereas dashes for growth in the 1960s and early 1970s were engineered by governments that deliberately overestimated the economy 's ability to grow , last year 's boom was the result of a miscalculation , which probably erred on the right side .
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