Example sentences of "over a [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In his own particular way , Karajan also kept intact the ideal of ensemble opera , building teams and rehearsing , with the aid of handsome subventions from his record companies who make preliminary recordings , over a time-span that makes even Glyndebourne 's schedules look rushed .
2 In the beginning , the race took place over a course that included three brooks and a five foot stone wall amongst the 29 jumps .
3 The polemic in the newspapers had begun not over the kidnapping but over a fight that had broken out a few days previously in a bar much frequented by the young Sardinians who hung around the city and by the city gangs who sold them drugs .
4 He was clearly not content to sink into idle retirement but was soon full of schemes to open up Hannafore , then reachable only by a path that climbed steeply over a down that fell sharply to the Looe river in a precipitous cliff .
5 So how to put over a point that supports the point of view that you have when you want to change something .
6 By this time , Lou and Charlie had moved too — the business had been running down for a long period and there was no point in staying in a flat over a shop that did n't exist any more .
7 Under British pressure , the French eventually departed in humiliation , but only after presiding over a covenant that gave the Lebanese republic the system of power-sharing which is now disintegrating .
8 We 've had quite a busy afternoon , Mr Andropulos , and at the moment we 're anchored over a plane that crashed into the sea just about the time we were receiving your SOS . ’
9 While not condoning his more offensive behaviour over a career that spanned some 20 of the writer 's 30 years , Bellamy nevertheless offers an often ignored view of Connors ' early years .
10 Just finally looking back over a career that spans now five decades , is there anything you 'd have done differently over the years ?
11 English Drama Again Takes Premier Position ’ ran the hopeful headline over a piece that described Hepworth 's Rachel 's Sin ( 1911 ) as ‘ a great triumph in film production ’ which was ‘ all ENGLISH ’ .
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