Example sentences of "over the [adj] [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 This year 's parliament is intended to include the final rites over the 1989 protests as the judiciary reports on its recent ‘ successes ’ in jailing the leaders of the demonstrations .
2 Earlier however Kelburne looked as though they were going to walk all over the young Aberdonians when they raced into a 2-0 advantage from scores by David McKay and Michael Starling but a goal by Philip Webster just before half time gave the northerners a timely boost .
3 They may have been killed by the giants ; they may have starved to death ; all the men of the Armada remembered were the pitiful wails of the pair echoing over the still waters as the ships sailed back into the open sea , and south .
4 The Bank of England has a great deal of power over the financial markets because of its role as lender of last resort .
5 Over the five years since the present Administration were returned in 1987 , there has been a welcome change in the picture .
6 In addition , savers can miss up to six monthly payments over the five years provided they are made up in the months immediately following the five-year term .
7 Again do not round over the sharp edges when sanding .
8 According to Spill , there are a number of checkpoints that SCO must negotiate over the coming months if it is to maintain its MIPS effort — each requiring a commitment of political will , as well as cash .
9 Brokers believe the market will lack any clear direction over the coming weeks as spare institutional money will be earmarked for the Government 's gilt auction , the BT3 share sale and the Zeneca rights issue .
10 Brokers believe the market will lack any clear direction over the coming weeks as spare institutional cash will be earmarked for the Government 's gilt auction , the BT3 share sale and the Zeneca rights issue .
11 From the terrace of the house , grimed with soot and wind , one looked down into a grey , fogged landscape of endless slate-roofed ‘ back-to-backers ’ and soaring mills throbbing with trundling looms , glittering with acres of lighted windows ( dark in the black-out after 3.30 in the afternoon ) , and huge chimneys trailing and belching smoke endlessly into the curdled air , which loitered out over the spoiled valleys until , eventually , it was dispersed across the distant moors .
12 The number of women representatives had not increased dramatically over the 50 years since women first gained the vote on equal terms with men .
13 Coupled to an external VHF aerial the 5.0W setting is capable of giving a useful range equal to that of many panel-mounted sets , but on test in the cockpit it failed to offer me much real advantage over the lower-powered units when all were used with the standard screw-on flexible antennas as supplied .
14 The succession of loud clunks sounded over the calm pips as his money ran out .
15 These expansions are compressed into booms , followed by slumps , over the fifty-year cycles because innovations are bunched into compressed periods .
16 The Group 's responsibility for site-specific geophysical surveys brings with it the parallel responsibility for databasing the considerable archive of material from surveys of this kind made over the 40 years since the Geophysics Department was set up in the former Geological Survey of Great Britain .
17 Most effective of all in stopping any new building were the Lammas pasture rights — that is , the right of burgesses , or some of them , to graze their cattle and sheep over the open fields after the harvest had been taken in .
18 Perhaps you will have a part-time job and a small capital reserve to tide you over the lean years until the farm is pulling its weight .
19 It also stands accused of murdering the much-loved area around the old Bull Ring market that had grown up in piecemeal fashion over the 800 years since Birmingham was granted a market charter in 1150 .
20 The pattern of changes in status over the three years since redundancy was broadly similar for those aged 55–59 , 40–54 , and under 40 at the time of redundancy .
21 Steinitz 's own furniture , amassed over the twenty years since he acquired the Château and its contents , accounted for one-third of the lots .
22 government initiative to reduce the incidence of suicide by er is it er five per cent over the next years because so many
23 Madeline and I will be kept very busy over the next months as we visit the pilot centres to attend key events in their validation or approval processes .
24 Part of tram route 12 was also converted and extended , running as 612 from the ‘ Prince 's Head ’ Battersea to Mitcham , Fair Green , largely over the same roads as 630. 612 made a loop round the Fair Green as a terminal .
25 ALLAN CAMPBELL , who takes up his appointment of director of coaching and development with the Scottish Badminton Union on Monday , will have the chance to run his eye over the top players when seven Scots compete in the All England Championships on 15-20 March .
26 It was admirably researched , hut it glossed over the important questions while pointing up the trivial ones .
27 Again this represents a considerable increase over the national rates whether one considers lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas or all malignant disease and for both 1963–90 and 1984–90 .
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