Example sentences of "over [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When a well proportioned quantity of water is passed over the unequal surface of a richly coloured rock , which thus aided , glows with borrowed brightness and augmented beauty on the delighted wanderer 's gaze , the spectacle is replete with dazzling fascination , and the mind most avaricious of enjoyment can covet no more .
2 This was taken up by the Economic Section of the Cabinet ( under Meade ) which devised the Economic Survey : the expected level of output for the following year was predicted on the basis of the estimated changes over the present year in individual sectors of the economy .
3 Prime Minister John Compton defended Fostin by saying that he had been subjected to unjustified attacks in the press over the poor state of the country 's roads .
4 The problems arose over the two-year presidency of the Argentinian , Sarkis Kaloghlian , who was dismissed from his position in July after financial irregularities in the IJF 's Miami bank account .
5 However , the degree also has a taught component , as students must attend at least one postgraduate seminar every term over the two-year period of the degree , and are examined on their work in these courses .
6 Three of the 64 Berkshire commoners are refusing to accept a deal under which they would be paid about £750 each to forfeit rights over the built-up part of the US Air Force base and agree not to exercise them in other areas .
7 There was merely conventional wisdom about such questions as principles of road design , use zoning , building heights and controls over the external appearance of buildings .
8 White patches all over the bloody coat with that soap powder .
9 Cohn ( 1971 ) presented evidence that summated auditory evoked potentials show a greater amplitude of initial output over the right hemisphere with click stimuli but higher amplitude over the left hemisphere when subjects listen to monosyllabic words .
10 Butler and Glass found the CNV to be of greater amplitude over the left hemisphere in all of twelve right handed subjects and greater over the right hemisphere in a single left hander .
11 The CNV following the warning stimulus was found to be of greater magnitude over the left hemisphere in the verbal condition and greater over the right hemisphere in the picture condition .
12 Those that do may only display the differences for a matter of weeks or even days before the whole crop ripens , so there is an element of luck in flying over the right place at the right time .
13 That 's what the American artist Kosuth maintains happened over the striking resemblance between his installation presented at this year 's Documenta in Kassel ( closed 29 September ) , and the installation created by Claudio Parmiggiani three years ago in Milan .
14 On May 8 Sami Abdul-Rahman , a member of the delegation [ see p. 38127 ] , said that " the talks [ were ] going on in a positive spirit " , although questions relating to international guarantees for an accord and Kurdish control over the oil-producing town of Kirkuk remained unresolved .
15 Following the Communist victory over the pro-American regime in 1975 , Phat was named president of the short-lived Republic of South Vietnam .
16 The Soviet Union has little or no influence , let alone control , over the vast majority of them .
17 The very large collections of rocks , minerals and fossils from many parts of the world demonstrate the succession of changes that have taken place throughout the Earth over the vast span of geological time .
18 For their part the urban middle classes tolerated the Junkers because they guaranteed the shape , content and continuance of German middle-class life and ambition over the vast bulk of the rural German population .
19 With a low gasp she let her fingers slide up over the daunting hardness of his shoulders , touch the short , thick hair at his nape … he moved his hands down to her hips , in a quick convulsive movement , crushing her against him .
20 As seasonal temperatures cool , hot and cold air meet , forming a seal over the industrialised valley of the Bilina and Labe ( German Elbe ) rivers on the former border with East Germany .
21 Israel will not be forced to attend a Middle East peace conference over the Palestinian issue after the war is over if it does not want to — and it certainly does not .
22 The total amount ( capital and interest ) is repayable in equal monthly instalments over the agreed term of the loan .
23 The total amount ( capital and interest ) is repayable in equal monthly instalments over the agreed term of the loan .
24 The English had removed the head of a king as early as 1649 , and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 could be interpreted as an example of Rousseau 's ‘ general will ’ of the people triumphing over the Divine Right of Kings .
25 Again , his fingers teased her , running a path of torturing heat about her thigh , and up over the jutting bone of her hip , close — far too close ! — to that part of her where the aching need had its centre .
26 She was lowering herself from the tip-toe that she needed to look over the panelled backing of the window display when something else caught her eye , further down the road .
27 I jumped the iron spikes and landed with both feet on the concrete , then ran over the narrow top of the pipe and jumped down on to the island .
28 Outside the state apparatuses public opinion was becoming increasingly polarized over the contentious issue of greater state powers .
29 Such a move offered the possibility of a major confrontation between executive and legislature over the contentious issue of abortion only a year before the 1992 presidential elections .
30 The publication of the photograph led to increased speculation over the contentious issue of the fate of those 2,273 US servicemen listed as officially missing in action ( MIA ) in the Vietnam war .
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