Example sentences of "must have be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 At the Tribute and subsequently in Seville , it must have been great to be surrounded by so many people who openly acknowledge Queen as a huge influence .
2 His father had left him 20 acres called ‘ Margarettes Stacyes land ’ in North Marston which , with common rights added , must have been equivalent to something like 30 .
3 The marshy lands around Stirling and Bannockburn must have been inhospitable to these early settlers , but were to prove of incalculable worth to fourteenth-century patriots determined to assert their independence from southern predators .
4 Part of this success must have been due to the Dottridges ' persuasive advertising :
5 The situation in ( i ) must have been due to the act or default of the ‘ other person . ’
6 At the time when rent levels were falling , some less profitable land also went out of cultivation ( although the extent of this is hard to measure ) , so it is clear that the fall in rents must have been due to a shortage of potential tenants rather than to a greater supply of land , which might have resulted from the clearance of forest or the reclamation of fenland .
7 Much of what Patsy told her on that important morning , must have been therapeutic to Patsy , baffling to Shanti , and much of it unknown to me .
8 It must have been awful to be separated from her children , as she and many other Jamaican mothers were .
9 Although I realized that my faulty literary judgment was the occasion for his reaction — for he must have been well-accustomed to reading manuscripts of surpassing dullness — because when lie wrote to Wakefield-Harrey it was in firm but polite terms , which , since they were from Eliot , were to him the next best thing to commendation .
10 This was a messianic fervour that must have been similar to that possessed by the ancient zealots who died defending Masada against the Romans 2,000 years ago .
11 It must have been good to be home .
12 And he waited , and then he heard one word come back , spoken in a whisper , she must have been close to sleep .
13 These men must have been close to the king , and no doubt had considerable influence with him .
14 They must have been close to the same age , but Sandra looked very young , like a petulant child wearing the costume of a grown woman .
15 Moreover , for Diuma to have been consecrated bishop of the Middle Angles and Mercians ( assuming that Bede has not made an error here ) , while Penda remained a heathen , must have been tantamount to treating Penda 's territory as a northern Anglian sphere of influence .
16 TODAY 's pictures of Robert Maxwell 's sumptuous home must have been galling to MGN pensioners .
17 By now it must have been obvious to the Romans that the power and authority of the Druids was in the ascendancy and that sooner or later their inimical influence had to be removed .
18 Rather ingenuously it appears that , with the liberation of Paris , the French in Vietnam asked for Japanese permission to celebrate the event ; and it must have been obvious to the Japanese , too , that the uneasy but de facto alignment between them and the French was liable to break down sooner or later .
19 It must have been obvious to the jury that these witnesses were in a special position , one as the husband of a woman with whom the defendant had had an intimate relationship and the other as the sister of the deceased , whom the defendant had shot , according to himself , accidentally .
20 By now it must have been obvious to her host that she had put him down as a direct descendant of Casanova , Don Juan or Jack the Ripper — or possibly a combination of all three .
21 Six years ago , her own bewildering awareness of him , the way it had made her feel threatened , must have been obvious to him when his simple presence , a glance in her direction , the sound of his voice , had been enough to unnerve her ; but these days she answered back — and for some reason he was hell-bent on punishing her for what he believed her to be , humiliating her with constant reminders of his contempt .
22 But it must have been clear to him that I was not a professional escaper .
23 Again we are faced with having to read between the lines , but the allusions must have been clear to most of Bukharin 's contemporaries .
24 It must have been clear to the Prussian government that if it had not been for government subsidy the Junker estates would have collapsed under their own weight long ago , but they were nevertheless incapable of striking at what they saw to be the basis and guarantor of their state and society .
25 No one knew for certain what volume of water was pent up , but the old mine must have been full to the random of the 17th Century Cobblers Level .
26 But measurements of the solar constant since 1850 implied that the solar radius must have been constant to within 0.3 seconds of arc per century , less than half the variation in the records at Greenwich .
27 The only qualification is that a widow 's late husband must have been entitled to the married couple 's allowance at the time of his death .
28 The offer of £1 , from Gold Cup sponsors TNT for the first side to score goals in the competition must have been tempting to the Reds , who more than doubled their tally for the season to date on Friday .
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