Example sentences of "must have [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Cave was older than the rest of the party , and the only one with knowledge of Iran ; he also suffered from a bad back , and must have landed with a fierce combination of jet-lag , suspicion and pain .
2 To the humans it must have sounded like a high-pitched chattering .
3 Well , this old bell must have fallen off a ship , or perhaps it got washed out here in a flood .
4 In spite of falling into bed feeling wide awake and convinced she would be awake for hours , she must have fallen into a deep sleep that had lasted for all of ten minutes !
5 They must have fallen from a very great height to end up like that !
6 The Telegraph commented : ‘ As Sir Alf [ pictured ] watched his team begin their first game together since last November he must have felt like a yachtsman who takes the winter covers off his boat , eases it into the water and finds it has sprung leaks fore , aft and midships . ’
7 But yesterday 's rain-hit showdown must have felt like a recurring nightmare for Faldo , too .
8 One must have served as a recumbent tombstone , since it has a slot at one end to hold a vertical cross .
9 Associates of the Institute must have served in a solicitor 's office for three years and have passed four examination papers in law and Fellows must be over 25 , have served eight years in a solicitor 's office and have passed a further three examinations from a list of subjects offered by the Institute .
10 I must have touched on a sensitive spot . ’
11 Originally this state must have led to a great deal of contradictory and ambivalent behaviour , with the bird being tugged in opposite directions by its opposing moods .
12 Soon after he came to power he personally led an expedition against the Shanqalla negroes on the Sudan border , and my father affirmed that the slaughter there must have satisfied for a time even his craving for blood .
13 Er he , the family , must have came at a later date into Galashiels .
14 He knew no English and took no interest in what he must have regarded as a far flung outpost of his Angevin Empire — except for the revenues it could bring .
15 The same waves reached Hawaii in the central Pacific less than 5 hours later and must have travelled at a speed of 740 km per hour .
16 Martin Browne himself believed that Eliot was too ready to rely upon outworn social and theatrical conventions , but suggested that they " reflect an unconscious reversion to the drama that Eliot must have seen as a young theatregoer before 1914 " .
17 That must have gone on a lot
18 Ralph and Bernie must have gone to a lot of trouble to set him up .
19 ‘ Then he must have gone into a steep dive .
20 She must have gone through a terrible period in her life ; looking back , she genuinely believed it to be worse than it really was .
21 ‘ I 'm so glad , ’ Leith replied , knowing from the very few comments Rosemary had let drop that she must have gone through a most unhappy time before Derek had finally left .
22 ‘ did send a message by telephone which was grossly offensive , or ’ Means the message must have gone by a public telecommunication service and must be very offensive .
23 Penrose 's theorem had shown that any collapsing star must end in a singularity ; the time-reversed argument showed that any Friedmann-like expanding universe must have begun with a singularity .
24 The network protocol basically decides what kind of adaptor your PC must have to connect to a LAN .
25 He must have started as a joke , to indulge his love of singing and of local folk music .
26 It was a hot day and Andy must have started with a distinct dehydration disadvantage .
27 Travelling by bus at night in winter could be a chilling experience , so my mother made me anklets from the fur cuffs of an old coat ; these stayed on by means of snap fasteners , and I must have looked like a poodle , but they provided considerable comfort .
28 In the gloom he must have looked like a ghost .
29 I could n't blame her , I must have looked like a platoon of Japanese snipers behind all that foliage .
30 He thought that he had heard the house door close : McAllister must have left for a stroll , or perhaps even a visit up West , and it would be safe for him to leave the surgery where he had been reading Mr H. G. Wells 's scientific romance The Time Machine , and return to the comfort of his armchair .
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