Example sentences of "must be [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The basis upon which damages may be claimed before domestic courts for breach of Articles 85 and 86 must be no less favourable than the damages recoverable for infringement of comparable provisions of domestic law .
2 If he thought instant bankruptcy would result from such disclosures , he must be no less earnest to become a bankrupt for the just advantage of his creditors than he would have been resolute not to fail by collusion for the purpose of defrauding them .
3 There must be no more cosy dinners for two .
4 The conditions under which murderers would serve their life sentences must be no more rigorous than those applied to other long-sentence prisoners .
5 Because I can not distinguish one from the other it must be a physically identical statement to say that I have a particle " there " and an identical particle " here " .
6 In order to allow the joining of the water in the channel with that in the tank , so that the floating vessel can be transferred , there must be a practically water-tight joint between the end of the tank and the standing work of the channel .
7 She thought that she must be a little mad to leave him so easily , so willingly .
8 One must be a little careful with the word ‘ translation ’ here : it is fairly innocuous in the present context of WALK , translated into the string of sub-functions , but much less so in the earlier use of the relation of a program in LISP , say into a lower-level program in machine code .
9 As he heard himself speak , he realized he must be a little tipsy .
10 ‘ Our landlady , when we were staying near Cambridge , said to me : ‘ Miss Burnett must be a little naive .
11 I do n't know who you 're really working for but it must be a pretty influential organization to have the editor of the New York Times over a barrel . ’
12 There was little traffic down through Shoreditch and I was pretty sure I was n't being followed , though following a black cab in London must be a pretty thankless task .
13 I suspect that some of the drug barons who shell out money in support of what must be a pretty costly operation regard the academically-minded staff of the OHE as a bunch of eggheads , not to say ‘ wets ’ , who ought to be earning their keep by polishing up the industry 's somewhat tarnished image , and by encouraging sales , instead of spending their time and the companies ' profits on airy-fairy projects which are n't going to rustle up a pennyworth of business .
14 The man must be a raving bloody lunatic even to think of coming to this bomb-happy island .
15 ‘ She must be a strangely unimaginative or insensitive woman if she can bear to keep in touch with a woman who started an affair with her husband when she was pregnant with their child ! ’
16 You must be a deceptively good listener . ’
17 Must be a fairly new garage cos I 've never heard of them before .
18 The price of wheat is frequently used as a measure of degrees of economic hardship by historians of this period ; not every family , it is true , was totally dependent upon wheaten bread , but the steep upward price curve which was to reach an undreamt-of high of 113s. 10d. per quarter of wheat in 1800 must be a fairly accurate barometer of the plight of the poor , especially in the 1790s .
19 Within the USSR itself there must be a less exclusive emphasis upon state ownership and greater scope for cooperative , leasehold and other arrangements .
20 So it must be a really good chance .
21 When you 're a kid , you meet someone who works in television and you think they must be a really great person living this incredibly interesting and exciting life .
22 The Panel of Monastic Musicians , for example , believes that the church musician ‘ must be a deeply committed worshipper ’ .
23 Garry must be a much better lover than I would have thought him , or is it the legacy his godfather has left him that tempts you ? ’
24 ( c ) On analogy with Gilks [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 1341 on s.5(4) the obligation in s.5(3) must be a legally enforceable one , and this proposition was apparently accepted in Meech [ 1974 ] QB 549 ( CA ) and Mainwaring ( 1981 ) 74 Cr App R 99 ( CA ) .
25 Under s.5(4) the obligation must be a legally enforceable one : Gilks , above .
26 He suggests that there must be a hitherto unknown planet p' , which perturbs the path of p .
27 Dave Scott , then , must be a specially galvanised sort of Ironman , having won the event six times , and holding the course record of 8hr 28min 37sec , a time he predicts will be shattered today .
28 So , according to that logic , if there are only two stitches left after spaying , the operation must be a very simple one .
29 You must be a very poor actress .
30 ( The case of a mentally incompetent child will present different considerations , although even there the child 's wishes , if known , must be a very material factor . )
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