Example sentences of "must be [verb] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To succeed with a er constructive dismissal case the proposed changes must be viewed as fundamental .
2 Secondly , that whatever the words of the statute may suggest , the conflict with Code C and with a long established ‘ right of silence ’ is so acute that , whatever the statute may appear to say , it must be understood as subject to an implied exception in the case of persons who have been charged .
3 But such an elder must be understood as likely to recover verbal consciousness , and should not be assessed as ‘ confused ’ or of ‘ low intelligence ’ .
4 But in order for these activities to be meaningful , they must be understood as communicative processes between people , and the individuals concerned must be able to construct social contexts within which their reading and writing activities can have meaning .
5 The effects of war on the economy must be seen as uneven .
6 The first major change in the structure of child care law is the introduction of the concept of paramountcy — that is , that the child 's welfare must be seen as paramount in all decisions relating to the care of the child , residence , access , and so on .
7 Since these factors can and do change , the position of the younger generation in structures of family support must be seen as specific to particular points in historical time .
8 Whatever procedure for dismissal is established must be seen as fair and just , so that governing bodies are able to demonstrate that they have acted reasonably .
9 And to fulfil this role they must be seen as independent of the society they help to constitute .
10 If dare and need are not asserted as realities , then they must be conceived as mere potentialities , and since the infinitive also expresses a non-actual event in these uses , it must also be represented as a potentiality .
11 Therefore , for equilibrium to subsist a part of the surplus-value must be accumulated as constant capital , and only a further portion may be accumulated as variable capital .
12 Therefore any theory which denies that it is must be rejected as unacceptable .
13 If this is true , it follows of course that the use of inflected forms of to be in predicate places ( as , for example , in " I think , therefore I am " ) must be rejected as ungrammatical ; and similarly for the verb exist , especially in singular propositions .
14 Accordingly it felt that the minister 's affidavit opposing discovery must be accepted as final and conclusive .
15 Before individual suppliers may submit tenders for orders from these kinds of customers , they must be accepted as capable and reliable .
16 However , the outbound timing must be adjusted as necessary to comply with a time at which you may be cleared to leave the holding point .
17 The important point , however , is that the two " likes " must be treated as like in some respect ; and in the linguistic cases this does not merely mean that the two items co-ordinated must be on the same level in terms of specific syntactic classifications , as has often been remarked ; more importantly , it is clear that they must be alike in both bearing one of the other relations , already introduced , to some third element ; thus , in : ( 38 ) Nora is Irish and beautiful the structure is such that Irish and beautiful are both related to Nora by assignment , while in : ( 39 ) bed and board is going to take half his wages the relation of instantiation links both bed and board to the single entity in the subject position .
18 They must be treated as adequate because they reflect the statutory provisions in regard to appeals by persons upon who intervention notices are served by S.I.B .
19 As against Mrs. O'Brien , therefore , the security must be treated as satisfied .
20 Of course , all sources of information must be confirmed as credible — sources could be using AI as a propaganda tool .
21 It must be regarded as probable , therefore , that under Aethelbald the Mercian position in areas bordering on other kingdoms was consolidated at the expense of surrounding neighbours .
22 The role of dreaming in this very important process must be regarded as slight .
23 He however submitted that the magistrate was obliged to look at the whole of the evidence emanating from Price and that , since Price had retracted his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant , that evidence must be regarded as worthless and wholly unreliable , and so incapable of forming the basis of a committal .
24 Nevertheless , the list of Confluent words which follows disregards the stances involved , which number almost nine thousand and are all named , and merely offers a few definitions , some of which must be regarded as tentative .
25 Lawrence must be regarded as authoritative and correct , and there is no question of it now being right to depart from it .
26 His contribution to the development of the Olympus overhaul facilities at Rolls Wood Group , must be regarded as invaluable .
27 But the thesis that the set of basic entities is finite , while not altogether implausible , needs to be argued for , and as yet must be regarded as unproved .
28 In a devastating criticism Jeffrey Stanyer concluded ‘ that the Maud Committee must be regarded as one of the most disastrous uses of an advisory committee that can be envisaged , if one asks and expects that an advisory committee will provide an authoritative analysis of the problems set by its terms of reference , and by rigorous reasoning propose defensible solutions which have a practical use ’ ( Stanyer 1970:66 — 7 ) .
29 Notwithstanding his extreme youth , his output was prodigious and far-ranging , and , with Keith Douglas and Alun Lewis [ qq.v. ] , he must be regarded as one of the outstanding poets of World War II , so much of his work having been inspired , before his brief sortie into battle , by an internal preparation for death .
30 But Manetho , who lived in the third century BC , wrote in Greek and his work must be regarded as Hellenistic in character rather than Egyptian .
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