Example sentences of "must be [vb pp] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , Earth-based photometric studies have indicated that most of the lunar near side must be blanketed in such dust .
2 However , in the case of Lord Inchrya the payments to the beneficiary were of a periodical nature and although made out of capital ( see however Stevenson v Wishart 59 TC 740 ) were payments of income and must be taxed as such .
3 Men and women , for instance , may in many cases be characterized as different in this regard — their human nature may not be identical — and proper interpretative emphasis must be given in such cases .
4 Under the Price Marking Order 1992 , virtually all goods must be priced in such a way to allow consumers to see the total cost of the item .
5 It must be done in such a way that the released energy helps to form a phosphate bond .
6 The assignment of binary bit patterns to operation codes , and of portions of the operation code field to positions in the instruction format , must be done in such a way that the hardware of the computer can decode the instruction ; thus it must be possible to extract an initial portion of the operation code from a fixed position in the instruction and decide , from the bit pattern found there , whether an operation is now specified ( in which case the rest of the instruction can be interpreted as secondary fields ) or whether a further portion of instruction has to be decoded , and so on .
7 Notwithstanding these limitations , members must be reassured by such a scheme and it must be an aid to recruitment .
8 This is another example of a procedure which is characteristic of the rational expectations approach to the use of information : the elements of , must be exploited in such a way that no better predictor of can be found without further , and by definition subsequent , enlargement of the information set .
9 The story of his binding makes clear that he remains so , and that he must be accepted as such .
10 In the case of the simple potential divider depicted in figure 8.2(c) , the requirement of unaltered loading on insertion between a source and load resistance R L demands that But the attenuation is or through condition ( 8.4 ) From equations ( 8.4 ) and ( 8.5 ) it follows that to implement attenuation A through a simple potential divider without altering the loading of the source , the values of resistances R 1 and R 2 must be Notice that to provide variable attenuation yet maintain unaltered loading , that is , input resistance equal to load resistance , both resistances R 1 and R 2 must be adjusted in such a way as to comply with equations ( 8.6 ) .
11 ‘ Nevertheless , these are serious breaches and must be treated as such .
12 The record is spasmodic and must be treated as such .
13 It follows that an exception of that kind must be treated in such a manner that there is no possibility of the very existence of that principle being called in question .
14 If they are and this kind of tragedy occurs then they must be punished for such behaviour . ’
15 Special records must be kept of such searches and , as an added check , Chief Constables ' Annual Reports must contain statistics and details of such searches .
16 An examination must be made of such pegs and bolts for signs of corrosion , and there should always be at least two anchors at each stance .
17 In a rare case where it was not reasonably practicable for the complaint to be presented within that time span , that complaint must be made within such further period as the tribunal considers reasonable .
18 Terms with dual meanings , for example , intelligence ( either an individual 's analytical and reasoning abilities or information on an adversary ) must be recognized as such by the searcher .
19 But what conditions must be fulfilled for such references to be significant ?
20 But the question is , what is involved in the assumption that there are different ontological existents not just different topics of discourse ; what conditions must be fulfilled before such an assumption can make clear sense ?
21 An inbred mouse strain must be maintained by full sib mating ( brother x sister ) while an outbred strain must be maintained in such a way that inbreeding is minimized .
22 ( 7 ) The whole report must be written in such clear and precise language that it is able to withstand cross-examination by Counsel .
23 But then , either Hobbes has failed to distinguish the child from at least the higher and domesticated animals or the force of ‘ intelligently ’ must be explained in such a way as to exclude animals .
24 These must be addressed in such a way as to help pupils to see that the questions are open ones , worthy of their attention throughout life .
25 The forms contained in Schedule 4 to the rules must be used with such variations , if any , as the circumstances require ( r 12.7 ) .
26 Boat Club Captain Jo Clarke must be congratulated on such an outstanding year for the Club .
27 When a Design Change is proposed , all the modules which are to be modified must be referenced as such by the DC .
28 Constant attention must be paid to such important matters as movements in interest rates , exchange rates and share prices ; changes in the tax regime ; inflation ; economic developments here and abroad ; general financial news and the terms of business offered by banks , building societies , stockbrokers , insurance brokers and others who wish to earn their living by managing your money .
29 I think the thing that sort of has really bugged me righ right from the start of this thing was that when this when the Financial Services Act was put before Parliament , everybody was told the Gower Report and everything said pensions are the same as assets , all your assets and must be protected as such .
30 ‘ As an exception to a fundamental principle of the Treaty , article 56 of the Treaty must be interpreted in such a way that its effects are limited to that which is necessary in order to protect the interests which it seeks to safeguard . ’
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