Example sentences of "must have be [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Well you must have been round because you 've
2 She must have been upstairs because almost as if in answer to him we heard her heavy tread on the stairs .
3 He says he 's never seen anything like it ; he reckons some of the stuff must have been here since before the First World War .
4 Someone must have been around if he barks , someone 's around .
5 It must have been just before Boswell picked her up .
6 It must have been just before I left home in November .
7 It must have been just after I left , thought Joan .
8 And if you phoned me early in the year it must have been just after we got the V W.
9 In a curious way you can understand what is being said only by letting your mind slip into the same fuzzy state Shepherd 's must have been in when he spoke .
10 She must have been there as Christopher Peasgood became increasingly blue .
11 They must have been there because people only grew up like Tina when they had had a hard time as children .
12 It seems to me now that I must have been more than a little simple , because I received a telephone call from the home the very next day .
13 ‘ But there must have been more than that , surely ? ’
14 In these four years the dinar value of these deposits multiplied by a factor of nearly 10 , and by the end of 1987 this factor must have been more than 20 .
15 There must have been more than twenty farms , plus the school , the chapel and the Strathmore Arms .
16 The smallest insect alive during the Age of Dinosaurs must have been more than a million times smaller than Brontosaurus .
17 And those who could n't afford a half-crown fine , but would rather wait until nightfall to sweep or cause to be swept their bit of pavement , must have been more than grateful that the Trustees would also kindly provide ‘ Lamp Irons or Lamp Posts to be put or affixed into , upon , or against the Walls or Pallisadoes of any of the Houses , Tenements , or Buildings within the said Town , .
18 Robert Hasted must have been more than usually proud , then , of his daughter Elizabeth 's second son , Robert Titford .
19 Benjamin must have been more than a little interested by all the information this sheet of paper contained , principally because he had scarcely known his own father , who had died before he was two years old .
20 The chance to escape from the daily drudgery in the pits must have been more than attractive .
21 In the end , there must have been more than twenty small windows all around where Little Billy was sitting , and from each window these amazing little faces were peering out .
22 There must have been more than twenty curriers Nowadays there are no tanneries and there are only three curriers So the answer to your question is yes , many , many more .
23 All that may be stated with any certainty is that his knowledge of the craft must have been more than merely adequate and that he was a good businessman .
24 As I was saying : they dig up that and also Francis 's moment of passion when he made himself a father — which must have been more than twenty years ago !
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