Example sentences of "must have [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
2 It must 've taken quite a bit of courage for the girls to have kept their babies .
3 One of the most important limitations on statutory safeguards is the insistence that , to qualify for most rights , you must have built up a specified period of continuous employment .
4 ‘ Granny 's little extortion racket must have built up a small fortune for you . ’
5 She must have understood why the dog hung back .
6 The steep-sided valley of Stroud-Water in Gloucestershire must have presented much the same kind of picture , but Defoe does not attempt any description of it beyond saying that ‘ the clothiers Iye all along the banks of this river for near 20 miles ’ ; and Celia Fiennes passed along the high road over the uplands from Gloucester to Bath and failed to notice it at all .
7 The speed of descent must have cut down the exposure to any residual gas since he felt none of the earlier weirdness as he approached the still sealed engine room door .
8 We must have made quite a sight trailing along the road with scythes , rakes , forks , the sledge and the sweep , mowing machine , and our food in a basket .
9 The water really is n't that hot , usually , but my other one was fiddling with the boiler earlier — he must have turned up the thermostat .
10 TREVOR FRANCIS 'S celebration can of Coke must have tasted just a little sweeter last night .
11 I enjoyed it in a way , but B. was very impossible — she must have drunk nearly a bottle of brandy , and then at 9 o'clock I left and refused either to stay any longer or spend the night there .
12 It was the shock I suppose and the wine — I must have drunk almost a bottle .
13 Surely even the most stalwart art lover must have trembled just a little when , earlier this summer , in conjunction with the four exhibitions organised by the Whitechapel Gallery ( featuring 200-odd works ) and over 900 artists — 58 groups in 53 locations — opened their studios to the public .
14 He must have done exactly the same thing as I did when the panic hit him .
15 But I must have done well the term before , or perhaps he was slacking , or both , because there we were together and Nigel as he then called himself was asking for a pound .
16 In her haste to get away , she must have bundled up the documents and ledgers that she had been working on and brought them back with her .
17 The cavern was so huge that Benny thought they must have hollowed out the entire mountain .
18 ‘ You must have acquired quite a taste for French champagne and pâté de foie gras . ’
19 The police must have carried out a very thorough search of the premises and she said , threw the book at my client .
20 Some thought the Führer must have meant only the losses on the eastern Front , not including Stalingrad and those missing , and put the real figure at something like one and a half million .
21 ‘ You must have had quite a talk ! ’ smiled Belinda .
22 ‘ people who knew him very well must have had quite a hard time with him , he was so depressed .
23 Mr le Gros , who sang a serenade filled with double entendres to his fickle mistress in the Ballet des plaisirs , must have had quite a high voice since he was normally assigned parts notated in either alto clef ( C3 , the usual clef for the high tenor voice known as the haute-contre )
24 The transformation of David ( David Naughton ) from nice New York Jewish boy to very scary werewolf is an outstanding achievement , with elaborate props and each stage exactly plotted and , despite a team of 30 stuntpersons , Naughton must have acted quite a lot of this himself .
25 Someone must have torn out the right hand page . "
26 The origins of the military colony of Elephantine are unknown , but the author of the letter which goes under the name of Aristeas must have found somewhere the piece of information that Jewish soldiers helped Psammetichus in his campaign against the king of the Ethiopians ( 13 ) .
27 My own present stance and the position of the boy in the bed must have thrown up the embroidered , tasselled triangle hanging in blue , white and gold on the chapel wall .
28 He must have put up a bit of a struggle , but they were a persuasive bunch , those women , and the two nans in alliance were practically irresistible .
29 The rose which mantled the house must have put out a thousand flowers and these were at the peak of their blooming , not a petal yet shed , each blossom the pink of a shell within and the pink of coral on its outer side .
30 The England coach , who is also assistant to Ian McGeechan on the Lions tour to New Zealand this summer , and who has been in Scotland since last Thursday , admitted yesterday that the Scots ' performance against Wales ‘ had been very impressive and must have surprised quite a few people , especially down south ’ .
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