Example sentences of "must [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I can imagine that the whole process must be frustrating for marine archaeologists .
2 Must be fluent in spoken and written Arabic and English .
3 An organisation will specify that all its letters must be typewritten on headed paper and use , say , a fully blocked , open punctuation style .
4 The pact of loyalty between the brothers is part of modern ice hockey legend but their combined success must be unparalleled in British team sport .
5 In several places the author states that although molecular biology must be consistent with chemical and physical processes , biological principles can not be derived from physics and chemistry alone .
6 The rules say that any beam-line must be available for general use at least one third of the time .
7 Separate , bedded housing must be available for sick or injured animals .
8 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
9 Where the material to be used in enquiry work is audio-visual ( as for instance a filmstrip , perhaps with the accompanying booklet transcribed on to audio-cassette so that the eye can concentrate on the pictures and the slower readers have quick access to the text ) then of course suitable equipment must be available in sufficient quantity for the expected numbers of students at any one time .
10 And if you 've got more than one speaker it must be adjustable with minimum fuss .
11 To take an example , within this scheme it might be said that computing facilities must be subject to constant returns to scale because a consortium of firms large enough to take advantage of the optimally sized computer could buy one and then time-share its facilities .
12 Road building proposals for sensitive areas such as Oxleas Wood and Twyford Down must be subject to full environmental assessment .
13 The regional affairs commissioner , Bruce Millan , also announced intentions to tighten up on the EC 's additionality principle — the rule that EC spending must be additional to planned national government spending .
14 Whereas biological control must be central to organic farming systems , the major potential application appears to be as a component of integrated farming systems which use limited amounts of chemical pesticides .
15 Such equipment must be capable of automatic function in the very critical period between the outbreak of fire and the arrival of the fire brigade and in the extreme case under discussion should consist of a zoned in-rack sprinkler system and a zoned system of roof ventilation , both operating on sensitive detection devices and tailor made for the individual risk they protect .
16 There are two basic criteria : firstly an invention must be based on a wholly new idea or involve an ‘ inventive step ’ ; secondly an invention must be capable of industrial ( including agricultural , etc. ) application .
17 Nobody would dream of trying to lubricate an engine with water , so the water-based slipperiness of snow and ice must be capable of vast improvement .
18 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
19 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
20 In addition , the differences we see between the rhythm measured normally and under constant routine conditions must be due to external causes ( rhythms in our life-style and environment ) .
21 In contrast , the common buzzard has a wide and increasing distribution in Europe , and its present success must be due in large part to the adaptability of its diet .
22 There is a certain medicinal thinking behind the labelling , a feeling that a book that is difficult to read and difficult to obtain meaning and enjoyment from , must be good for young people in some way .
23 They must be good for manual dexterity and keeping children occupied . ’
24 Councils must be accountable to local people
25 Most importantly , it must be suitable on environmental grounds ; secondly , its suitability must not be prejudiced by a lack of financial resources .
26 The Alliance party contended that both sections of the divided community must be involved in future administration at all levels but acceptance of the state should not preclude practical cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic on matters of common concern .
27 Service personnel can be used in Antarctic work without contravening the Antarctic Treaty of Washington , but they must be involved in scientific and not military work .
28 Assignments must be relevant to current industry practices and should wherever appropriate relate to the individual students ' work places ; this applies particularly to the technical areas of food , beverage and accommodation operations/management .
29 We must be grateful to past landowners who planted in the knowledge that they would not see the results of their endeavours , but that successive generations would .
30 Climate is also important since adequate moisture must be present for effective solution .
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