Example sentences of "must [verb] been [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Robert Warshow was to argue quite rightly that there must have been much vicarious pleasure in the enjoyment of these films for audiences could watch gangsters break the law , use violence , take risks , and die but were free themselves to leave the theatre safely .
2 According to a correspondent of The Graphic , these 19th-century visitors must have been little different from today's-instead of gasping at the 70-kilometre vista spread before them , their first reaction on arrival at the top was to write commemorative postcards .
3 Among them must have been many new men pushing up from below .
4 Though the prestige of Aldfrith 's descent from the Uí Néill will not have been negligible , he was born out of wedlock and there must have been many legitimate sons of other Northumbrian lords who claimed descent from Ida .
5 Below the exemption line there must have been many small masters .
6 There must have been many different ways for brachiopods to exploit their simple mode of life .
7 There must have been many jealous eyes directed towards Russell who , owing to his association with the College of Arms , was able to attract a fair proportion of the up-market trade within London .
8 After all , there must have been many comfortable nursing homes in Sydney where her father , who had then been having difficulty in telling even night from day , would have received the sort of care and attention which he had needed .
9 There were no longer any grave differences of principle between him and the king , but there must have been many routine tasks after so long an absence , and these seem to have occupied the greater part of 1107 .
10 On the contrary , there must have been many fervent followers of Jesus who conformed to a similar pattern — teetering on the brink of shattering disillusion , then finding a new justification in Paul .
11 They must have been such wonderful beings , and now even the legacy of their environment was being rewritten by the humans , changed with every curved floor covered by a flat grille , every piece of art ripped from the walls and studied out of context , every subtle nuance of space filled with metal and plastic , neural net cabinets , stores , machinery , even people .
12 It must have been bloody huge
13 Must have been bloody moulded and everything .
14 ‘ Then it must have been two other people that have been kissing on our front porch for the last nine months .
15 But there must have been other reactive effects which were more subtly marked than this and were concealed from the fieldworker .
16 I now realised that there must have been other little gaps and vacancies about the house but , between the tablets and the total absence of any careless talk , I had wiped the whole unfortunate episode right out of my head …
17 ‘ It must have been those honeyed cakes , ’ she added hurriedly , and gestured to the Empress .
18 That must have been some key phrase to establish identity .
19 Well I do n't know that must have been some clever fella to do it did n't he ?
20 There must have been some great stars and some ecstatic moments in those cosy halls but there must also have been many second- and third-rate performers , constant recourse to stereotypes , excessive repetition , and buckets of sentimentality .
21 She too had heard rumours , the telephones from shop to shop must have been red hot , and she looked at Rose with speculation .
22 And it must have been cold bloody flat !
23 Throughout our recent evolutionary history , particularly since the rise of a hunting way of life , there must have been extreme selective pressures in favour of our ability to co-operate as a group : organized food gathering and hunts are successful only if each member of the band knows his task and joins in with the activity of his fellows ; a good deal of restraint on natural impulses during the stalk and capture of the prey is likewise essential .
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