Example sentences of "through [pers pn] as she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She glanced through them as she ate .
2 A pang of regret lanced through her as she recognised how little she still knew of Suzie 's innermost feelings .
3 An unexpected pang lanced through her as she realised that after today fitzAlan would no longer stand between her and the rest of the world .
4 She did n't want to understand him , but heated recognition rippled through her as she stared at his mouth , as unwillingly fascinated by its sensual curve as she had been six years ago , when all her breathlessly adored heroes had suddenly become prosaic and petty with the advent of the man from Hong Kong .
5 An icy chill went through her as she looked up into his face , and she forced herself to answer calmly , ‘ What on earth are you talking about ?
6 Relief and anger swept through her as she looked up into the familiar dark , scowling face .
7 She paused for breath and his laser-blue eyes narrowed , sending tiny ripples of shock running through her as she took in the dark eyebrows , a strong nose and firmly sculpted mouth .
8 An eerie feeling of isolation wafted through her as she heard the unspeaking hairless guide slide the lift back downstairs .
9 An odd tremor of expectation thrilled through her as she held his slightly mocking glance .
10 So many feelings raced through her as she stood there — admiration , delight and pleasure that almost brought tears to her eyes .
11 Embarrassment curled hotly through her as she remembered what she 'd read and she snatched up the case and marched towards the door , but it was n't that easy to push it from her mind , not when she remembered Luke Calder 's mockery .
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